Unit 3 Organizational Structure and Behavior Assignment - CAPCO

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Unit 3 Organizational Structure and Behavior Assignment - CAPCO
Unit 3 Organizational Structure and Behavior Assignment - CAPCO
Unit 3 Organizational Structure and Behavior Assignment - CAPCO

Unit 3 Organizational Structure and Behavior Assignment CAPCO - Assignment Help UK


In this Unit 3 Organizational Structure and Behavior Assignment CAPCO I have discussed about the various structures of Capco and any other organisation. It is seen that the different leadership styles has always a different impact on organisations. So it is very important to acknowledge each style and choose the best so that the employees working can be the urge to work. , moreover I have also discussed about the importance of different motivational theories  and its implications

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Task 1

1.1 Compare and contrast CAPCO’s structure and culture with another organisation of your choice. Show the differences and similarities in these two organisations.

The two types of organisation chosen are namely CAPCO and British gas, each of these organisations has their own set of policies and rules.

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British gas: British Gas being the largest producer of gas provider has to abide by certain structures. This kind of organisations mainly consists of numerous numbers of division and sub divisions, whether there exists a department head and under which has, lots of employees. There exists departments and each head of the department is the sole decision taker. 


  • There is clear identification of the objectives
  • Every member of the each department is always entrusted with each amount of work
  • There are gradation in the promotions work
  • Due to huge volume of employee , each employee are being employed under a specific department and under that department is a specific leader , whom employees has to report to .


  • This kind of cooperation can be bureaucratic , here  each employees can of interfering nature
  • The workers or employees has no authority , they had to abide by the decision made by the leader
  • Due to its structure, the communication tends to be very slow and not open, this can create dissatisfaction among employees.

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CAPCO: It is a wide known a renowned business investment consultancy. It is not a huge structure, and it uses a flat structure of organisation.

The advantages are to be precise:

  • There exist a very small; channel with less amount of employees in it
  • Due to a flat organisation , there are prompt responses from employees regarding any other thing
  • The commands are generally very small
  • Due to its small network ., it helps in implementing the policies easily without any hindrance
  • The leadership is usually very strong.
  • Due to its small association of employees it becomes easy to communicate freely.

The disadvantages are:

  • Due to no strong authority , sometimes it becomes difficult for the employees to take proper decision
  • The is no specific line of control
  • Due to non maintenance of proper outlook and influence, it often happens that people doesn’t care much about the total specific goal.
  • There can be occurrence of loss

1.2 Explain how the relationship between CAPCO’s structure and culture can impact on the performance of its operations.

The flat structure of CAPCO is a boon, since it helps the employees in various contracts other ways. CAPCO being a investment consultancy it mainly specifies that all its member or employees are satisfied with the work they are being confined with. The flat structure makes it more advantageous, since there employees can be ale to depict its ideas and can work independently. CAPCO‘s owner and the authority always makes it sure that whenever, one employee has finished with one work, they should be depicted with the other. This is done in order make them more challenging, and pushing their limits to highest level. The workers tend to feel that they are more important to the organisation and their inner sense of morale is being motivated instantly. They can work more freely and the owners guides their way of work, encourages taking the decisions on their own. Capco always tends to see that they built an healthy environment, they live in, the workers should be comfortable and feel the work as their own, this helps to work more positively. It also tends to help in establishing their own personal goals to meet their career prosper, advance more in any form this feature

British gas: It is one of the most renowned companies. it is imparts important decisions by directing proper guidelines in them . Being in a tall structure which has both pros and cons in it. Huge company like British always tends to maintain its hierarchy. Here the objectives of the company are mentioned specifically but it is sometimes very difficult to see the perspective of each and every employee, so it tends to divide its employees into department and under which one leader is being assigned. But the leaders actually doesn’t allow the employees to take part in any kind of decision making , but they tend to only divide and allocate the task. In British gas there is scope of promotions, getting high, but there are also difficulties to actually reach them. There is a poor communication system which tends to make the employees more insecure. As their voices are not being heard properly, it creates a sensed of dissatisfaction and turnover rate increases. British gas uses high techniques, but the people employed are not so skilled, so a huge investment is incurred on their training process, sometimes it becomes challenging for t6he authority to employee right amount of employees who are well aware of the system and procedures.

1.3 Discuss the factors which influence individual behaviour in CAPCO or in any organisation of your choice

The different features which tend to control the behaviour of individuals are:

  • The different culture: Culture is the association with various features like the way one communicates, the surrounding they are. IN CAPCO, there exists a free flow level of communication, where the employees are allowed to express freely at their own will (Plotnikoff , Lippke, Trinh , Courneya, Birkett, Sigal,2010)
  • Diversification: It mainly signifies the different diversified culture and environment we are in . it relates to different race, the different religion etc in a work place . so at Capco , people comes from different culture and these diversities helps the entire team as whole to work properly and together . (Garvare, Johansson, 2010)
  • Attitude: It is the process by which an individual person thinks about his own ideas. In British gas, the employees are not given the freedom to think on their own, rather they are given forced decision. While at Capco, they employees are given the right to depict their own decision without any other influence,
  • Perception: It is inner talent to see and properly acknowledge and understand thereafter. At British gas , all the decisions are being taken by the head of a department , where as in Capco , the CEO always tends to encourage each and every employee to do their best , to use their own imagination , to bestow with challenge so that they can achieve more .

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Task 2

2.1 Compare the effectiveness of the different leaderships at CAPCO and any other organisation of your choice

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CAPCO and MC Donald’s being both a big brands, they tend change their style of leadership, this is because they have huge number of employees, so it is necessary to applies different kinds of styles every time.

  • The charismatic or transformational leader: At Mc Donald’s, CEO Jim skinner has always laid more focus on the customers, because they are the people who are the main concentration of company. Customer who has helped Mc Donald over the years to be successful and it is being continuing over the years. It helps in employees to tend to be more challenging and entrusts with a positive attitude (Jadoon, 2016)
  • Democratic or participative: CAPCO being a financial company it was mainly a sense of decency in planning, making decisions. Since finance involves loads of pressure, so it readily involves its employees in all its decision making process so that, everyone gets a chance in giving their suggestion. The unique aspect being the communication process is very open , the employees at CAPCO gets a fair amount of work , gets challenged and to work more intensively . (Garvare, Johansson, 2010)

Other styles being:

  • Autocratic: This style is generally seen as that organisation where only the top boss is has the all power. Organisation like Trump organisation, generally follow this style, where he is the sole decision maker and the solution giver. Without any consultation with their subordinates, decisions are being given
  • The laissez – faire: This is most free flowed leadership style where the employees are the sole decision maker. The management relies completely on the employees to make judgements. There is no authority or line of control. Due to this there might be a trouble for getting proper amount of productivity and the work might get hampered resulting is low production.
  • Cross cultural leadership: These can be leadership is seen in those organisation where exist lots of different cultures. It is sometimes difficult to maintain so many cultures, so the managers have to come up with different forms to control these cultural. In UK, this kind of leadership is in widespread amount.

2.2 Explain how organizational theories (e.g. scientific management and human relations theory) have had influence on the practice of management

Scientific management which is being revised by Taylor is states that an organisation can be made better if proper utilisation of resources is being done. It stressed that there should less stress on the wastage on the resources. it mainly postulated four main principle :

  1. It is the responsibility of the managers to collect proper  information and knowledge  regarding their work place and after collecting it , they should review it effectively .
  2. the managers should always select or choose different scientific methods to coach  their employees in a proper way
  3. It further stressed that the methods should be abided as per mentioned
  4. It is the sole responsibility of the managers to properly allot work in between the workers.

Taylor in his theory laid more emphasis on the scientific way of working, where employees should be given proper rewards and appropriate way of achieving it.

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Human relationship theory: This is namely known as relation of the people. Elton mayo in his theory he laid more stress on the human factor. According to him, human element is the richest element, which should be properly preserved. People should be nurtured, provided with proper training and more stress should be given on their hygiene factor which will automatically help them to motivate from inner self. He laid stress on:

  • People should be given the chance to communicate freely
  • Which will in turn help in increasing their productivity
  • There should mores tress on their societal factors
  • Men are most important element and they should be seen as a tool. (Plotnikoff , Lippke, Trinh , Courneya, Birkett, Sigal,2010)

2.3 Evaluate the different approaches to management used by CAPCO and your chosen organisation

CAPCO being a huge investment capital it mostly uses the approach relating to scientifically; where it stressed more on the guidelines ad disciplinary factors are kept in mind. It is believed that under this, people can be trained properly, with fewer amounts of time and also inhabiting a good environment. Under this approach, equal and proper work is being given to each of the employees in a proportionate way. Mc Donald’s being a big brand it always tends to think from the employees perspective before imposing any decision.

  • Approach relating to administration: Under this it is believed that, the management practice always differs in a roundabout way than expected. CAPCO, always looks at these principles are modern and tend to apply these.
  • Approach relating to bureaucratic way: This type of way is being followed in the renowned British gas, where exists huge command system. Sometimes due this long chain game, it can make employees dissatisfied, because employees feel their hard work is being unrecognised and no sense of confidence remains.

Whereas in Mc Donald’s more emphasis is being given on the employees and customers , so before taking any decision it is being seen whether the consumers are happy or not . Or their employees are getting the vibe to work.

Task 3

3.1 Discuss the impact that different leadership styles may have on motivation within period of change

The different forms of leadership are as follows:

  1. Autocratic leadership: In this kind of  leadership style, the manager is all in all. He takes all the decisions. The autocratic leaders they do not give any authority to their employees, So there is little or no place of bestowing their suggestions. This kind of leadership can make employees dissatisfied and results in employee turnover. e.g.: Donald trump (trump organisation)
  2. Democratic leadership: This is the most widespread and useful leadership , used by many organisation , it is depiction of the competition , involving the employees , helping them decide their goals , and also has some amount of vigil check from employers as well .  It builds more amount of valour within them.
  3. Bureaucratic leadership: Under this leadership, the leader has to go by the books, he tends to abide by the guidelines set and consequently. It also takes a close look on how their employees are performing and if the rules which are being set are being followed or not. Sometimes in factories like in British gas, safety factor is must, where the leader plays an strict role in paying attention with the prescribed policies.
  4. Strategic style: It is all about thinking in a strategic way. it always tends to pile up the gap which is being created due to some previous conflict . it is leader who works hard to make plans which will be beneficial for the organisation , and depicts new range of prospects .
  5. Laissez – faire style: This kind of style simply puts all the decisions on its team members, it is known as delegative leadership. But often this kind of leadership is not much successful, because due to low involvement of any higher authority these organisations tend to be swallowed away and resulting in low productivity. (Plotnikoff , Lippke, Trinh , Courneya, Birkett, Sigal,2010)

3.2 Compare the application of two motivational theories (e.g. Maslow’s & Herzberg theories) within organizational setting

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Maslow need theory

Abraham Maslow has depicted in his model where he has explained the level of variation in terms of each individuals needs. In his theory he described five important hierarchy of need which are;

  1. Physiological needs: These needs form the foundation for survival. Without these basic necessities an individual wants to fulfil before stepping out to its next level of need. These are food, lodging, sleeping and the air, etc
  2. Safety or security needs: The next is the safety requirement. people always seeks for protection , they want a reliability , protection from the economic structure , adequate place to live in , the surrounding , adequate resources etc
  3. Belonging needs: These refer to the relationships which makes life beautiful. Without these social needs a man cannot survive, it creates a balance, so it is important that employees should be given with adequate time for fulfilling its societal needs. E.g.: family, bonding, friendships, intimacy etc.
  4. Esteem needs: As the need goes higher so does its need, this needs tells about the sense of achievement which a person tends to feel as it goes higher up. They are important for the survival. e.g.: superiority, promotion, recognisable, self – confidence, truth etc. (Duymedjian, Rüling , 2010)
  5. Self – actualisation: It is final stage, it is the highest level where people gets this realisation that they have already reached their highest goal. They tend to believe in achieving the most like the creativity , helping in solving problem etc

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Herzberg in his theory proposed that, the needs are mainly the hygiene factors which is the cause of motivation and the motivating factors which can dissatisfy a person at work.

  • Hygiene factors: These factors mainly refer to the basic necessities which mainly boost the inner satisfaction of an employee. If these factors are not being properly attained the workers or people can get de motivated at work. E.g.: the job satisfaction, the different types of policies, the relationship with exists in a workplace, adequate salary and working state.
  • Motivating factors: These factors are mainly concerned with the work inheritance. These are also known as satisfiers. They are mainly influenced only in a work place. They are namely providing adequate benefits, the promotions, the responsibility given, the career development of individual employees etc.

3.3 Explain the necessity of managers to understand and apply motivation theories within the workplace.

Mangers are the persons who are responsibility for creating a harmonic relation between their employees and maintain a balance between the two atmospheres.

  • Building strong communication: If employees are not motivated, they won’t be able to express freely which will hinder their process of communication and ultimately can result in absenteeism, job dissatisfaction. So it is the duty of the managers to realise it.
  • Proper career growth: Employees will automatically elevated if they see that their career is being upgraded too. So it is the managers who can actually pull their strings up in taking proper interest in each employee’s career structure.
  • Proper training and development: Opportunities can make employees to be more motivated to work. The manager’s needs to understand and see what their individual employees are lacking and who needs proper  training and development, depending on which they will be able o provide proper facilities related to training.
  • Adequate compensation: Money is the most powerful motivating factor. We all know that. So managers should abide by it and provide rewards to employees in the form of bonus, extra hike, free office coupons etc. There are namely two types: the inner motivation and external motivation.
  • Identification of the gap: The mangers need to realise where his employees are suffering a hunch. As in where are laying back, so he has to understand the gap and critically analyse each of the assumptions related to it.

Task 4

4.1 Explain the nature of groups and group behaviour within CAPCO or your chosen organization.

The organisation which I have chosen is the famous food chain CAPCO and British gas. Both organisations have been constructed in a different way and it usually depends on the type of group they are in due to certain reasons:

  • The opinion of different people in a team might vary
  • All the team member are in charge in an equal proportion
  • Working jointly in order attain the success (Carsrud, Brännback , 2011)

The formation of a team: Teams are generally a group of people which are hailing from different background, culture in order to attain the objective of an organisation in main and their own personal development underneath.

The types of groups are: 

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These types are group refers to those organisation which runs under a specific and collaborative effort of the predetermined rules and regulation. Hugely under the supervision of the higher management and authority. It always depicts some amount of challenges to every member to push their limits to a higher level. (Carsrud, Brännback , 2011). Examples are such group command and task group.

Informal or unofficial groups: These groups are totally out of the organisation arena. They are the non – guideline follower.  They are generally close colleagues who doesn’t really follows the strict rules. They reply promptly as and when required. Examples of such groups are interest group and friendship group.

4.2 Discuss factors that may promote or inhibit the development of effective teamwork within CAPCO or your chosen organization

It is important to have an efficient group of people so that they can bind the structure of an organisation and work to the core for achieving the much needed success. CAPCO and British gas the aspects necessary for promotion are:

  1. Cohesiveness of a group: It is very important to maintain a high amount of adhesiveness in a team. It is the bonding that will help the different people to finally adjoin and work towards the fulfilment of an organisations purpose. It is the degree to which each member of a team interacts with each other
  2. Communication: it is very important that each member of a team have the free flow and open communication with other.  It is a indicator which simply depicts how well a team is being able to respond in attaining the company’s goal and purpose. So it is important to boost the process by given more independence, more duties etc.
  3. Size of a group: The group of an organisation is very important. But it is sometimes becomes hard to maintain/. Size refers to the volume, where there exit both complex both and simple mind, so the managers had to play an important role in the process of deciding how to amalgamate such groups.
  4. Group standard: These are the silent belief which tends to make things more reliable. They also refer to the policy or the schemes which are being picked up. They also indicates who regular the employees are , how they interact with each other , and how well they maintain their code of attire .
  5. Synergy: It is the proper alliance which tends makes the work of nay organisation more efficient. It is proper maintenance of the cost associated with the technological advances used and the efforts of individual team members. 
  6. Steadiness: It very rightly depends on all above functions like proper communication, efficient work, performance which helps to go with a rhythm or in other words to hold on to the success, the efficiency etc.

4.3 Evaluate the impact of technology on team functioning within CAPCO or your chosen organization

Life without technology is unimaginable. We can’t think anything without technology, they makes our life easily, fast and simple. CAPCO and British gas they with the help of these modern technologies have reached its market to a global platform Due to use of modern gadgets, things tends to be simpler.

  • Emails: It is one the fastest and easiest way which is most dependable to all organisations. Starting from small organisations to huge multi groups, without email, it is difficult to lead on. CAPCO being an investment group uses its each bit of work on email, the share trading and everything is being done by emails. So is British gas.
  • Use of cell phones: It is a necessity, can we imagine of surviving without water, so is now the concept of cell phone. It is prompt mode of interaction, no matter where you are, what location is. British gas being mostly on factories and distribution warehouses, all team members are not always present at the office premises , so cell phone helps to connect near and far team members and work doesn’t gets hampered.
  • Computers, tablets: It is this modernisation period it is important to look beyond the normal approach. Computer are always the rich assets, without this it is not possible to deliver tasks schedule meeting, assign the work, it is a necessity. While more modern approach is the laptops where are the portable devices lighter and much useful and a more modern version being tablets, which is more compatible and easily assessed.
  • Internet  , intranet: All these modern technologies mentioned are useless if there are no internet connection .it is the net connection which within its one click connects with each corner of the world. Can we imagine our life without internet, wifi , mobile data ? No we can’t. CAPCO and British gas are globally recognised companies who had to deal with numerous things, and for each internet and e-business connectivity is important. Another being intranet, it is connection which is connected internally and helps in dealing with the day to day activities of a work.
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In this Unit 3 Organizational Structure and Behavior Assignment CAPCO I have learnt most importantly is the importance of organisational structure, the structure of an organisation is very important, since it can affect the employee behaviour and the productivity. Moreover I have learnt about the various styles of leadership which can have different impact on the organisation. I have already critically learnt about how the different management theories which can be very effective for an organisation.


Carsrud, A. and Brännback, M., (2011). Entrepreneurial motivations: what do we still need to know?. Journal of Small Business Management49(1), pp.9-26.
Duymedjian, R. and Rüling, C.C., (2010). Towards a foundation of bricolage in organization and management theory. Organization Studies31(2), pp.133-151.
Garvare, R. and Johansson, P., (2010). Management for sustainability–a stakeholder theoryTotal Quality Management21(7), pp.737-744.
Jadoon, Z. (2016) .Discuss the Behavioural Management theories in Detail. Online available at http://www.businessstudynotes.com/hrm/discuss-the-behavioral-management-theories/  . Accessed on 8/6/16.
Employee Motivation: Theory and Practice. Online Available at http://www.accel-team.com/motivation/  . Accessed on 8/6/16.
Plotnikoff, R.C., Lippke, S., Trinh, L., Courneya, K.S., Birkett, N. and Sigal, R.J., 2010. Protection motivation theory and the prediction of physical activity among adults with type 1 or type 2 diabetes in a large population sample. British journal of health psychology15(3), pp.643-661.
Tamborini, R., Bowman, N.D., Eden, A., Grizzard, M. and Organ, A., 2010. Defining media enjoyment as the satisfaction of intrinsic needs. Journal of communication60(4), pp.758-777.
Zhang, X. and Bartol, K.M., 2010. Linking empowering leadership and employee creativity: The influence of psychological empowerment, intrinsic motivation, and creative process engagement. Academy of management journal53(1), pp.107-128.

In this Unit 3 Organizational Structure and Behavior Assignment CAPCO I have discussed about the various structures of Capco and any other organisation, We are posting units solutions so scholars can explore the our  Assignment Help UK  and get review the quality of our work.