Unit 4 Research Project Assignment Help - Ryanair Group

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Unit 4 Research Project Assignment Help - Ryanair Group
Unit 4 Research Project Assignment Help - Ryanair Group
Unit 4 Research Project Assignment Help - Ryanair Group


Diploma in Travel and Tourism

Unit Number and Title

Unit 4 Research Project - Ryanair Group

QFC Level

Level 5

Task 1



Ryanair is one of the leading companies of Europe engaged in travel and tourism business.The aims and objective behind this unit 4 research project assignment help Ryanair group is to analysis about all the factors in the present scheme of the Ryanair Company. Ryanair is known as favourite airline of Europe and this company is serving the society with its services since 1985. As per recent report the number of passengers in Ryanair has increased due to its low cost and low budget schemes. This is a major factor in rapid development in international business.  This low cost scheme has provided the facility to the people to travel around the world in low costs. This has increased the number of customers of Ryanair and a business cannot run in isolation it is very important for every business to satisfy its customers. Now this research is about analysis about the level of customer satisfaction that company can provide to its customers at the low prices for the  international marketing.

Unit 4 Research Project Assignment Help - Ryanair Group

Aim and Objective

The policies on which company is providing these cost to its customers. Lowering the cost has resulted into increase in number of customers so the objective is to how Ryanair will manage their customer satisfaction level (Malighetti, et. al, 2010).

Literature review

Customer satisfaction: - Customer satisfaction means to meet the expectations of the customers. Customer satisfaction is mainly a task of managing the business in such a way through which customers are satisfied with the products and services of the company. According to Tariq Khalil Bharwana, in order to achieve excellence there are many factors which affects a business but customer satisfaction is the factor which contributes to the success of any business in earning higher revenues.

Benefits of customer satisfaction: -

Customer satisfaction leads a business to success because it s very necessary for every business to grow along with providing best services to its customers. The benefits of customer satisfaction are as follows:

  • Customer satisfaction leads to rapid business growth.
  • Customer satisfaction helps in successful implementation of business strategies of the business.
  • Customer satisfaction reduces the risk of business failures.
  • Customer satisfaction motivates the employees of the business.
  • Customer satisfaction helps in increasing the overall productivity of business.

According to Dr. Abdul Ghafoor Awan, Customer satisfaction helps in building brand equity of the business. This improvement in brand equity is very important for overall performance.

Factors affecting customer satisfaction of a business

There are various factors that affect customer satisfaction which are as follows.

  • Changing the cost, quality and efficiency of the product or service.
  • Not meeting the technological advancements.
  • Ability of the business to provide products and services on time.
  • Management of customer life cycle and complaints of customers.

According to Md. Hasebur Rahman, there are various quality factors which affects the customers satisfaction.

Resources implications

A full inquiry about the resources that will be used in the research is listed and also the ways are find out to minimize those costs in order to conduct the research timely along with saving the cost and proper manner


Factors that contribute to the process of project selection: 

All the factors that contributed to the selection of this project are as follows

  • Availability of human resource: The research will be based upon collection of secondary data which will be collected through preparation of questionnaires and research analysis will be done on the basis of answers of those questions so many of the students in my college and in my class must have used the airline services of Ryanair so this will be easy to collect the data regarding this company from them.
  • Scope of customer satisfaction: Customers are the persons who indirectly rule the business so the topic on analysis of customer satisfaction has very much scope there are so many things which I will get to learn through analysis of this project so this topic is quite interesting and will add much more to my knowledge too (Hansen, T. 2012).
  • Time taken: Completing a project in time is a great task. In this task collection of secondary data is necessary which can be collected through questionnaires and since the Ryanair company is a well known company so this will be easy for me to collect the data for this research in time so completion of this project in time is easy task.
  • Risk involved: There are certain risks involved in selection of this project as to determine the factors affecting the customer satisfaction, strategies objective of the company but since the company is well known so the data regarding this company will be available.
  • Cost involved: Calculation of cost involvement is necessary for each project so overall cost that will occur during the project is calculated and the cost benefit analysis is also done in order to understand the advantage of undertaking this project.


Critical review about customer satisfaction, Customer satisfaction and Influential factors on it

Customer satisfaction is the ability of the business to satisfy the expectations of its customers. There are various factors that affect the customer satisfaction in a business such as quality of product or service, cost of the product, capabilities of the suppliers, some personal things like behaviour of customer's executives, efficiency of company’s product etc.

Data for the research can be collected through two ways

  • Primary data collection: When the data for any research is collected for the first time it is called primary data. Primary data is also known as first hand data as this data is collected by the researcher for the first time for a particular research. Primary data can be collected through surveys, questionnaires, feedback forms, interviews etc.
  • Secondary data collection: When already collected data is used for a research it is called secondary data. Secondary data is also known as second hand data as the data which is used is already been used earlier by a person for his research. Secondary data can be collected through journals, newspapers, articles, books, internet etc (Windle, P.E. 2010).


Research project Proposal

  • Introduction: The company Ryanair has lowered its cost and budget in compare to   BMI airline  to increase the number of customers. This increase in number of customer can lead to customer dissatisfaction. This may lead that company may not be able to satisfy its customers. 
  • Research objectives: The main objective of this research is to identify whether this increase in number of customers due to low costs will lead to customer dissatisfaction or company will be able to manage it.
  • Methodology: For this research method used for collection of data will be primary sources. Data will be collected through questionnaires as this company is a well known company so many of the people know about it so this will be easy to collect.
  • Project plan: A project plan will be prepared including each and every activity and the time that will be consumed in completion of the activity. This project plan will help in completing the research on time (Mabbott, I. 2011).
  • Recommendations: Recommendations on the basis of the research will be provided to increase the productivity, for improving the performance of the company. The recommendations will also help the company to work for its betterment along with providing better services to its customers.


Action plan

An action plan is a document which consists of step by step process to achieve a particular goal. It is kind of a blue print which is prepared for timely completion of this project. The action plan of this project is as follows.

Activity No.


Days involved

Start date

End date


Selection of the title





A brief research on the topic





Implementation of the research





Collection of data














Description of the activities:

  1. Activity No. 1 Selection of the title: first of all title will be selected on which research is to be conducted (Geraldi & Lechter, 2012).
  2. Activity No. 2 A brief research on the topic: After the selection of the title a brief research on the topic will be conducted like about the company, the normal course of business of the company, its current plans and policies etc.
  3. Activity No. 3 Implementation of the research: After brief research the research will be implemented that the problem identification, reasons from which the problem came, necessary data required for the analysis
  4. Activity No. 4 Collection of data: Required data will be collected through official website of the company, other journals articles as well as data can also be collected through primary sources like questionnaires, surveys etc.
  5. Activity No. 5 Evaluation: After collection the data will be evaluated.
  6. Activity No 6 Analysis: after evaluation the result will be concluded that the low pricing strategy has lead to customer satisfaction or company is able to manage it.

Gantt chart

Gantt chart

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Task 2


To carry out this research I need whole information about the Ryanair Company and the most important part of this research is to identify the customer satisfaction level after the low prices so for this I need to collect primary data on the basis of preparation of questionnaires and an action plan to implement the whole research timely (Connelly, L.M. 2015). Research questions for this research are as follows

Q. 1 Do the quality of the product and services of the company will change after increment in number of customers?

Ans. The quality of the products and the services will not change even after increment in number of customers as company has focused on treating each customer in the same manner and due to this low pricing in services Ryanair Company will not compromise with the quality of its services.

Q2. Do the company will take competitive disadvantage through lowering its prices?

Ans. Company has not lowered its prices with any such intention. The reason behind this is to make it affordable to use airline services for everyone including those people who cannot afford it.

Q3. Do the customers satisfaction will get affected by this?

Ans. Company is lowering its prices for the sake of customers only to make it easy for them to use airline services in order to increase the satisfaction of the customers. So company will take measure to maintain satisfaction level of customers.

Research hypotheses; Research hypotheses are the possible outcomes of the research (Toledo, et. al, 2011). In this research hypotheses are

  • The quality of the products and services will remain unchanged.
  • Company is not affected by the satisfaction level of the customers.
  • Profits of the company will increase.



1. Do the quality of the services of the company is compromised after lowering the prices?

a. Agree

b. Disagree

c. Neither agree nor disagree

2. Are you satisfied with the services of the company?

a. Agree

b. Disagree

c. Neither agree nor disagree

3. Are you satisfied with the current price of airline of the company?

a. Agree

b. Disagree

c. Neither agree nor disagree

4. Company has fulfilled its commitments?

a. Agrees

b. Disagree

c. Neither agree nor disagree

5. Do you want to travel more with Ryanair?

a. Agree

b. Disagree

c. Neither agree nor disagree

Questionnaires are prepared with a view to collection of primary data for a particular research. These questionnaires are prepared to conduct a research on a particular topic on which research is to be done. These questionnaires are cost efficient and the most affordable way for collection of primary data. The main importance of these questionnaires is that they give practical and speedy results, the results based on personal preferences of people. Data can be collected in shorter time thorough questionnaires. There is no particular format for a questionnaire so questionnaire can be prepared as per the research covering all the aspects of the research (Samuel, & Ball, 2013).


Sources of collection of data: Collection of data plays a very important role in a research as analysis of a research is done on the basis of collection of data so the method for collection of data plays a very important role in a research. Basically there are two sources through which data can be collected which are as follows

Primary data sources: Primary data sources are the original data sources through which data is collected for the first time. The data is first hand data from the primary sources. The data from primary sources is reliable, practical and authenticate as it is not published anywhere and collected practically. Primary data collection sources are as follows

  • Surveys: Data can be collected through conducting surveys where personal perception of the people can be known.
  • Questionnaire: Questionnaire is a set of questions which are provided to people and the answers of those questions are important for the research.
  • Interviews: data can be collected through face to face interaction with people which be done through interviews (Thomas, J.A. 2015).
  • Observations: Data can be collected through observing the research.

Secondary data sources: Secondary data sources are those sources from which secondary data is collected which has already been used earlier for any research or other objective. These data are easily available from many sources.

  • Printed sources: Secondary data can be collected through various published sources. Sources having credibility.
  • Books: Data can be collected through books and books are the most authenticate sources of secondary data.
  • Journals: Journals are the data which are publishes periodically hence they provide updated information so they can be very useful for collection of data.
  • Newspapers: Newspapers provides a variety of data. It contains every type of data and the information from newspapers is very reliable.
  • Internet: Internet is a very vast resource of secondary data as the database contains a variety of data.

A research investigation was conducted through sampling method where questionnaires were prepared which included questions which were based on level of customer satisfaction. Ryaniar is a known airline Company and most of the people have used the airline services of Ryaniar so this questionnaire was distributed among the students of my college to know their perception regarding this company also a face to face conversations was conducted with the students and their answers were recorded in the questionnaire. Even the information was collected from the official website of the company and through observation also as the company through  system analysis  of the services of the company

Task 3


  • Research evaluation techniques; Research is conducted to fulfil a specific purpose. Research for a particular study concludes the proposal of a study. The research about customer satisfaction in Ryanair due to its low prices so the research is about evaluating the truthiness of this statement. The evaluation of the research can be done through following methods.
  • Peer review: Peer review technique is evaluation technique where research is conducted through evaluation of the performance of some other organization in the same field. Peer review helps in identifying the competency of the organization with any other organization in the same field. This method is useful for identifying the areas of the research in comparison to the other organizations. This technique is a time consuming process which has been used in this research too.
  • Survey evaluation: In survey evaluation research is evaluated through conducting surveys. This method is a primary source of collection of data. In this method surveys are conducted where personal perceptions of people are recorded and through this the research is evaluated. This method helps to identify the outcome of the research. The analysis of the surveys is reliable (Koutrouli & Tsalgatidou, 2016).
  • Bibliometric analysis  In this technique the analysis of the research is conducted through publications, articles and journals. This technique is based upon written books and publications which are published after a certain period of time. These techniques provide quantitative outputs. The data can be compared through journals or any other research field.
  • Case study analysis: This analysis helps in evaluation of case studies. This technique helps in creating an actual situation and then concluding a decision through the case study. This method helps in deep study of the research. This technique also provides reliable decisions.

3.2 Interpretation and analysis of the results

The research was conducted through sampling method where data was collected through questionnaires and also through interviews with people regarding the research. The findings of the research are analysis through table and charts to increase the presentation and understand ability of the research.

1. Do the quality of the services of the company is not compromised after lowering the prices?


Responses in %





Neither agree nor disagree


quality of the services of the company

Analysis: The analysis for the question about the main part of the research that do the customers feel that the quality of the services are compromised after lowering the prices has a favourable response the research says that the people doesn’t think so they are satisfied with the quality of the services of Ryanair.

2. Are you satisfied with the services of the company?


Responses in %





Neither agree nor disagree


services of the company

Analysis: The analysis for the question that whether the customers are satisfied with the services of Ryanair Company showed a response that 95% people among 100% had a statements that they are satisfies with the services of the company so this also showed a favourable response (Pariente, et. al, 2012).

3. Are you satisfied with the current price of airline of the company?



Responses in %





Neither agree nor disagree


current price of airline

Analysis: The research regarding the current prices of the study also showed a favourable response that 80% of the people are agree with the current prices of the Ryanair Company but the research also presented that 15% people are disagree with the current prices of the company so company need to take a look on its prices again.

4. Company has fulfilled its commitments?


Responses in %





Neither agree nor disagree



Analysis: This study shows a positive response towards commitments of the company as 90% of the people agree with the facts that Ryanair Company has fulfilled its commitments.

5. Do you want to travel more with Ryanair?


Responses in %





Neither agree nor disagree


travel more with Ryanair

Analysis  This research shows the response of the people which is very beneficial for the company in future that 98% of the people are so satisfied with the services of the company that they want to travel more with Ryaniar. This study is goal oriented for the company.

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Findings of the research

The findings for the research were as follows

  • 90% of the people agree with the fact quality of the services of the company is not compromised after lowering the prices.
  • 95% people are satisfied with the services of the Ryanair Company.
  • 80% people are satisfied with the current price of airline of the company.
  • 15% people are not satisfied with the current price of airline of the company.
  • 90% of people agree with the fact that Ryanair Company has fulfilled its commitments.
  • 98% of people showed their positive response that they want to travel more with Ryanair (Milkie, & Warner, 2011).

Recommendations for the research: After the analysis of the research following are the recommendations for the company to improve its performance and this will also help the company to achieve its organizational goals and satisfying its customers.

Establishment of customer relationship management: The Company should focus more on establishing good relationships with its customers. There should be customer relationship manager who should be appointed at each branch of the company to look over the queries of the customers. He should be also responsible for resolving issues of the customers with the Ryanair Company (Bhat & Darzi, 2016).

Providing compensation for delayed flights: In order to provide better customer Satisfaction. Company should provide compensation to people for their delayed flights in so that their time issues for delayed flights can be resolved. The customers should be informed as soon as possible for delayed flights so that their time is not wasted and they manage their other works accordingly.

Providing better tour services with attractive prices: Ryanair Company should focus on providing better tour services with reasonable prices to attract their customers and to maintain their customers for long run. This will increase the number f customers and will provide them the level of satisfaction which is very helpful for the Company to survive in long run. This will also increase the revenues of the Company.

Task 4




This research proposal is about finding the level of customer satisfaction of well known Raynair Company which is engaged in the business of  travel and tourism  in Europe. This company has recently lowered the prices of the airlines and the research was about to find out to identify the perceptions of customers in regard to this. A deep research has been conducted through questionnaires, interviews and observations and the research has concluded the favourable response that the customers are satisfied with the current policies of the company. The customer satisfaction level of the company is not affected due to this lowered cost also some recommendations have been provided to increase the level of satisfaction among customers and to improve the performance of the company.


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Connelly, L.M. 2015, "Research Questions and Hypotheses", Medsurg nursing : official journal of the Academy of Medical-Surgical Nurses, vol. 24, no. 6, pp. 435.
Geraldi, J. & Lechter, T. 2012, "Gantt charts revisited", International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 578-594.
Hansen, T. 2012, "The Moderating Influence of Broad?Scope Trust on Customer–Seller Relationships", Psychology and Marketing, vol. 29, no. 5, pp. 350-364.
Koutrouli, E. & Tsalgatidou, A. 2016, "Reputation Systems Evaluation Survey", ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR), vol. 48, no. 3, pp. 1-28.
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Samuel, D.B. & Ball, S.A. 2013, "The Factor Structure and Concurrent Validity of the Early Maladaptive Schema Questionnaire: Research Version", Cognitive Therapy and Research,vol. 37, no. 1, pp. 150-159.Tariq Khalil Bharwana, Dr. Mohsin Bashir, Muhammad
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