Unit 14 Working with and Leading People - BMI Airline

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Unit 14 Working with and Leading People - BMI Airline
Working with and Leading People - BMI Airline
Unit 14 Working with and Leading People - BMI Airline



Diploma in Business

Unit Number and Title

Unit 14 Working with and Leading people

QFC Level

Level 5

Unit Code



This program has been executed over the topic “Working with and leading people” in which different aspects of an organisation and the manner in which the people are managed in an organisation for the execution of the operations of the organisation. Recruitment and selection process of an organisation is an important aspect which affects the performance of the organisation. For the management of the human resource of the organisation it is crucial to comply with the rules and regulations for operating within the legal framework. Management of the people in an organisation is vital as this helps in generation of team spirit and promoting team working for better functioning. For the purpose of generation of team spirit and promotion of team working there is a need to apply or adopt concepts of leadership, motivation and focus on the development of the teams. Leadership and motivation are important aspects which enhance the performance of the employees and increase the chances of success of the business. Another aspect which needs to be considered is communication which plays an important part in the effective execution of the operations of the business. This program will discuss these aspects for the purpose of generating knowledge of these aspects and their role in management of the operations of the organisation. This report will discuss the recruitment and selection process and the retention procedures used by an organisation, a presentation will be prepared on skills and attitudes required for effective leadership, difference between the concept of leadership and management and the methods which an organisation uses for motivating the employees. It will also discuss the role and importance of team working, monitoring, communication and methods for analysing the success of the assessment process. All these aspects are applied or adopted for the purpose of enhancing the potential of the employees.

For gaining better understanding of these aspects an airline of United Kingdom has been selected and the name of the airline is “BMI regional” which is a British regional airline operating in United Kingdom and Europe by offering scheduled passenger services to its customers. It was founded in 1987 and its headquarter is East Midlands Airport in North West Leicestershire and registered office and operations control is located at Aberdeen Airport. The slogan of BMI regional airline is streamlined for business and is engaged in providing scheduled passenger services at 27 destinations.

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Section 1

1.1 You work in the Human resource department for an airline and you have been asked to prepare the relevant documentation for you to select and recruit a new member of staff for the position of cabin crew.

BMI regional Airline is providing quality services to its customers and for the enhancement in the quality of the services offered and to maintain the quality new members need to be selected for the position of cabin crew. For this purpose of a document has been prepared. For the selection of the members for cabin crew job analysis need to be done along with job description with the specifications for the people. Being a part of BMI regional Airline there is a need to perform the roles and responsibilities assigned in an effective manner for enhancing the performance of the Airline. For hiring the cabin crew members there is a need to analyse the job, provide a job description and specifications for the job. These are discussed below:

  • Job analysis: job analysis is done for the purpose of analysing the roles and responsibilities of the cabin crew so as to execute the activities well on time. In this head the roles and responsibilities of the job are explained in detail form. BMI regional Airline is conducting recruitment and selection process for the appointment of the cabin crew for the purpose of hiring candidates for fulfilling the responsibilities on plane in proper manner. The role and responsibility of a cabin crew is to ensure the health, safety and wellbeing of the passengers and ensuring the comfort level. The basis responsibility which the cabin crew of BMI regional Airlines need to fulfil are making announcements, ensuring safety, making passengers aware about the health and safety equipment, guiding the passengers and greeting the passengers (Reitz, 2014).
  • Job description:

            Location: London
            Number of vacancy:
            Last date for applying: 28 December 2016
            Salary: $ 1,00,000 per annum
          Roles and responsibilities: the candidate applying for the post of cabin crew need to have few skills and qualities. These roles and responsibilities are as follows:

Greeting the passengers on the flight at the time of boarding and exit

Offering meals and refreshments

Handling emergency situations

Demonstration of the safety equipment and process

Attending passengers and guiding them

Conducting pre-flight duties

Checking the seat belts of the passengers for their safety

Providing first aid facility (Kennedy, et. al., 2015).

Informing the passengers about their safety and the safety of their luggage.

Completion of the paperwork.

  • Specifications: for the execution of the roles and responsibilities assigned to a cabin crew few skills and capabilities are required and these include communication and interpersonal skills so as to communicate with the passengers traveling, knowledge and positive attitude for ensuring the satisfaction level of the passengers, commitment towards the work, friendly behaviour, confidence and degree for fulfilling the eligibility criteria. A candidate must possess team spirit and helpful nature so as to help others. The candidate must be aware of the manner in which different situations need to be dealt in an effective manner as different situations may arise on plane which need prompt response to the issue or situation. The candidate also needs to be patient and calm so as to deal with the situations in a better and smooth manner (Reitz, 2014).

1.2 Assess the impact of legal, regulatory and ethical considerations that are needed for the recruitment and selection process

As a human resource manager of the BMI regional Airlines there is a need to consider the different aspects related to the recruitment and selection process of the cabin crew. For the execution of the recruitment and selection process within the legal framework then there is a need to analyse the impact legal, regulatory and ethical considerations so as to analyse the impact of these aspects over the recruitment and selection process. Equal opportunities need to be given to the employees at the workplace so as to promote ethical behaviour at the workplace. The rules and regulations and legal aspect and their impacts over the recruitment and selection process of BMI regional Airline are discussed below:

  • Disability Discrimination Act 1992 and 1997: according to this act, the companies or the organisations operating in different industries need to provide equal treatment to the employees so as to avoid the discriminatory practices at the workplace of the organisation due to the disability of the employee. BMI regional Airlines need to ensure that it is not treating the employees unfairly on the basis of the disability of the employees (Alzughaibi, 2015).
  • Human Rights Act 2001: there are various rights to an individual which are stated in this act. Organisations need to ensure that the rights mentioned under this act are provided to the individual for the execution of the operations of the organisation in a legal framework. BMI regional Airlines is providing various rights to its employees so as to ensure that the organisation is complying with this act and these rights include freedom of expressions, right to respect, freedom of religion and right to get fare treatment. BMI regional is also considering other rights such as maternity leaves, paternity leaves, bonus and many more so as to provide the rights to the individual and ensure that they are treated fairly.
  • Sex Discrimination Act 1975 and 1986: as per this act the employees need to be treated fairly and no discriminatory practices are being followed at the workplace. BMI religion is ensuring that the employees are treated fairly and no discrimination is done on the basis of the caste, gender, religion and age of the employee (Conley, 2014).
  • Equal Pay Act 1970: as per this act all the employees working on the same level need to be treated equally and equal payment should be made to them. BMI regional is focusing over treating the employees equally regardless of the gender of the employee and they are paid equally (Conley, 2014).

1.3 You will be asked to take part in the selection process what are the selection techniques you would suggest that are best suited to recruit the ideal candidate.

The selection techniques which will be used for the purpose of conducting the recruitment and selection process include:

  • Personal interview: personal interviews can be conducted so as to check the communication skills, interpersonal skills and the knowledge of the candidate.
  • Aptitude test: a test can be conducted so as to analyse the knowledge and the capabilities possessed by the candidate and the manner in which the candidate will deal with the different situations arising in front of it (Liu, et. al., 2014;2013).
  • Advertisement of the job: for the appointment or hiring the effective and efficient workforce advertisement can be issued with the help of newspapers, websites, social media platforms and televisions.
  • References: the references of the existing employees of the Airline can be used for the appointment of the new hires for the cabin crew.
  • Application forms: candidates will be asked to fill the application form so as to analyse whether the candidate is fulfilling the eligibility criteria or not (Carrizo, et. al., 2014).

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1.4 How have you contributed to the selection process to make it more effective?

For the purpose of making the recruitment and selection process more effective I have taken part in the recruitment and the selection process so as to keep a check over the process at the different levels and to make sure that the candidates are selected in an effective manner and are capable of doing the roles and responsibilities assigned to them. I have taken a personal interview of the selected candidates so as to ensure that the candidates who have been shortlisted for the position of cabin crew are possessed with the required skills and knowledge or not.

I have suggested to create a panel of few members which will focus over the selection of the suitable candidates for the position and the decisions in the panel will be taken mutually so as to take the decision of every member of the panel into consideration. I have taken the responsibility to check the documents of the candidates so as to make sure that the candidates are not disclosing the wrong information (Mateos, 2013).

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Section 4

4.1 What factors will you need to consider in planning and monitoring and assessment of work performance for the cabin crew.

There are various factors which need to be considered while planning, monitoring and assessing the work performance for the position of cabin crew and few of these factors are as follows:

  • Age groups: a limit has been set for the position of cabin crew in the aviation industry according to which the hiring or the appointment of the cabin crew is done. As the roles and responsibilities of the cabin crew need to be performed in an effective manner. After the attainment of the above the pre-decided age the cabin crew is transferred to other positions.
  • Differences in the cultures: every individual is from a different culture due to which the cultural differences of the employees arise. This difference in the culture affects the performance of the roles and responsibilities.
  • Learning needs diversity: the skills and the capabilities of the individual need to be analysed in different ways so as to analyse the learning needs of the candidates in different ways or different activities (Hassenforder, et. al., 2016).
  • Performance appraisal system: this helps in analysing the goals and objectives of every individual and analysing the performance of the cabin crew members. As a manager an individual need to make an employee aware of the roles and responsibilities it need to fulfil for the completion of the job assigned to it.
  • Continuous monitoring: the performance of the cabin crew should be monitored on regular intervals so as to analyse the performance of the candidates.
  • Feedbacks: feedbacks need to be collected from the cabin crew candidates or the employees so as to analyse the issues or the problems faced by them during their performance. This will help in analysing the factors affecting the performance of the cabin crew.

4.2 How can you plan and deliver the assessment to ensure needs of the cabin crew is developed.

For the purpose of ensuring that the needs of the cabin crew is developed and fulfilled for enhancing their performance there is a need to apply few concepts which enhances their performance. BMI regional Airlines need to consider these factors for improving the effectiveness. The planning and delivery of the assessment can be done by applying few aspects which are discussed below:

  • Communication: proper communication helps in enhancing the process of execution of the operations of the organisation as well as enhances the flow of information among the internal stakeholders of the organisation. BMI regional can adopt channel for communication for enhancing the flow of information.
  • Delegation: the concept of delegation helps in boasting the morale of the employee by assigning the roles and responsibilities to the lower employees or the subordinates. The duties, roles, responsibilities and the authorities of the cabin crew can be increased so as to improve the satisfaction level of the cabin crew and improving trust (Rogers, 2015).
  • Motivation: different motivational theories can be applied for motivating the cabin crew for the purpose of enhancing the performance of the cabin crew. Motivation will help in enhancing the performance of the cabin crew and motivating them for enhancing the quality of the services offered to the passengers which results in improvement in the satisfaction level of the passengers of BMI regional Airlines.
  • Training: training and development needs of the cabin crew need to be identified and analysed so as to train them as per the changing requirements.
  • Setting the performance measures: the performance of the cabin crew needs to be measured and performance measures need to be set for this purpose such as productivity, attendance and the feedbacks of the passengers.

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4.3 What methods can you suggest that the airline should use to evaluate the success of the assessment process

For the analysis of the success of the assessment process there is a need to use few methods. BMI regional Airlines need to analyse the success so as to analyse the effectiveness and for this few methods can be used which are discussed below:

  • Feedbacks: feedbacks help in analysing the training needs of the cabin crew.
  • Promotion: under this method the success is evaluated on the basis of the growth or the promotion of the cabin crew.
  • Disciplinary: in this method or technique the level of discipline of an employee is measured so as to analyse the future growth of the employee (Medina, et. al., 2015).
  • Team performance: the measurement of the performance of the team will help in analysing the skills and the knowledge gained by the employees.
  • Peer review: in this method discussion about the success of the assessment process will be done with the colleagues, which helps in the proper analysis of the success.
  • Appraisal: in this the performance of the cabin crew is evaluated so as to provide appraisal to the cabin crew.


Management of the human resource of the organisation is a crucial aspect which enhances the performance and effectiveness of the organisation. In this program discussion has been made about the recruitment and selection process and the effectiveness of the recruitment and selection process so as to select and maintain an effective and healthy workforce. Various aspects have been discussed in this program which helps in enhancing the performance of the employees such as motivation, leadership, delegation of the roles and responsibilities and authority, team working and communication. All these aspects are important for an organisation as these aspects develops the chances of growth of the business. Different leadership styles can be used for the purpose of guiding and leading people for the enhancement in the performance of the employees as well as of the organisation. It has also discussed the different stages of performance appraisal system and the measures for monitoring the performance of the employees.


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