Unit 7 The Developing Manager Distinction Copy

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Unit 7 The Developing Manager Distinction Copy
Unit 7 The Developing Manager Distinction Copy
Unit 7 The Developing Manager Distinction Copy

Unit 7 The Developing Manager Distinction Copy, The Developing Manager Distinction Copy, Hospitality management, Hospitality, Hospitality industry, The Developing Manager, Assignment Help UK, Assignment Help, Online Assignment Help, Assignment Writing Service, Assignment Help Coventry


In this Unit 7 The Developing Manager Distinction Copy we will learn about the different management styles and leadership characteristics. We will also understand the different communication processes and models of analysing organisational behaviour in the organisation. We will do a skill audit and SWOT analysis on my personal and professional skills. After the analysis we will plan a schedule to develop my skills for the career and personal development. We will also learn about the techniques and the method of motivating the staff. Also we will understand the procedure of POSDCoRB. Lastly we would learn about the skills that I need to developers and planning that how I will do that.

Task 1

A. Present comparison of TWO management styles that you believe as used by your manager in your organisation, Whitechapel Tourism Development.

Fayol depicted that marketing planning is the process to forecast the future in which an individual is bound to develop his personal as well as professional skills. Mintzberg’s factors of leader, nonentity, developer, approach, entrepreneur, assigning of resources emerges to display that those segments are aligned in a manner such as Monitor, according to Mintzberg, are the factors of motivation and induction or introduction of the team members or juniors; are the factors of recruiting, training, developing, and related responsibilities, this is obvious that both sides do organising (Mishra & Shah 2009). On the other hand Lamond, examined that the Fayol’s planning procedure is a sequence of management that constitute the approval of Mintzberg’s administrative role during the time spent while planning, for ex: Information compiling, exchange and forwarding. In case of, broadcasting the data through propagating or publicising role to the organisation through the mediator role in it has limited importance except it’s connected for an intention, for example: the POLC. In Fayol's point of view, supervising means confirming either all the arrangements fill the required spaces or not, in the same manner. Mintzberg's expressed that unpleasant consequence manager makes corrective or restorative action though an organisation faces frightful irritations; which demonstrated that both of them agreed, that there should be only person handling the situation when it goes wrong or worse from the plan,. As we compare the managerial or leader role (inspiring and boosting subordinates, staffing, preparing and related duties), we can:

  • Planning: Widen our valuation for the exercises regarding whether they are gone for surveying the future and making procurement for it.
  • Organising: Managing and providing the supply of raw material, personnel, tools, equipment’s, etc.
  • Commanding: Maintaining, peace, faith, desire to work and encouragement in the staff.
  • Coordinating: Unifying all the activities of the concern.
  • Controlling: checking whether everything provided and expected are working properly and harmoniously or not.

Tourism Development, Unit 7 The Developing Manager Distinction Copy, The Developing Manager Distinction Copy, Hospitality management, Hospitality, Hospitality industry, The Developing Manager, Assignment Help UK, Assignment Help, Online Assignment Help, Assignment Writing Service, Assignment Help Coventry

B. Briefly discuss minimum of FOUR leadership characteristics for each of the TWO management styles you have identified in (A) above.

  • Autocratic or Authoritarian leadership: In this type of leadership style the leader gives or assigns the tasks to the members or the subordinates without asking for their concerns or likings. This type of leadership is dictator in nature. The leader is totally responsible for the result and performance of the team.
  • b In this type of leadership the leader gives the members or the subordinates a chance to participate in the decision making (Badawy 1995). This type of leadership is democratic in nature. The leader and the team both are responsible for the result and performance of the team.
  • The Laissez-faire or Free-rein leadership: In this type of leadership the leader gives all the decision making power and roles and responsibilities to the subordinates. This type of leadership is chance providing type in nature. The subordinate who is having the best and effective plan gets the chance to lead. This type of leadership provides every subordinate an equal chance to prove them.
  • Paternalistic leadership: In this type of leadership the leader gives the direction and protects the team members as a parent or father. This type of leadership is paternal or fatherly in nature. The leader takes care of the work or performance and divides the roles, responsibilities, and powers between the members equally as a head of the family or a father does in home.

Task 1 A and 1 B, Unit 7 The Developing Manager Distinction Copy, The Developing Manager Distinction Copy, Hospitality management, Hospitality, Hospitality industry, The Developing Manager, Assignment Help UK, Assignment Help, Online Assignment Help, Assignment Writing Service, Assignment Help Coventry

Task 1 A and 1 B Poster

C. Evaluate those possible communication processes used by your managers at your organization WTD. Please provide graphical description where appropriate.

Communication is the process through which the sender encodes a message and through a medium sends it to the receiver and receiver after decoding the message sends a feedback (Davila & Li 2009). In easy words the communication is the process through which the messages are exchange. There are many types of communication like:

  • Verbal: In this type the messages are exchanged with the help of words and voice. In this category my organisation uses the medium like:
  1. Telephone and Fax – Through the medium of phone or mobiles and fax the personnel’s exchanges the messages.
  2. Group Discussion or Meeting – In this the topics can be pre described or even may be sudden where all the staff listens to the views of the other.
  • Non – Verbal: In this type the messages are exchanged without the help of words and voices. In this category my organisation uses the medium like:
  1. Gesture – With the help of face and body expressions the messages are exchanged.
  • Written: In this type the messages are conveyed with the help of written messages. In this category my organisation uses the medium like:
  1. Letter – Personnel’s writes letter to each other and conveys the message.
  2. Notice and Memoranda – Personnel’s write the message on the notice board or leave it on the desk of other personnel.
  • Internet: In this type the messages are conveyed through the medium of internet. In this category my organisation uses the medium like:
  1. E-mail – The messages are conveyed through the medium of e-mail.
  2. Video conferencing – The messages are conducted with the help of video conference supported by the internet.
  • Television and Public Announcement system: In this type the messages are conveyed through the television and PA system medium. In this category my organisation uses the medium like:
  1. Advertisement – The messages are conveyed with the help of television medium.
  2. PA system – The messages are conveyed through the medium of public announcement

D. Analyse organisational culture and change you assume taking place at your organisation, which is preparing to promote “Whitechapel” as a new tourist destination.

Organisational culture is the environment or the atmosphere created inside an organisation due to the factors like Organisation’s

  • Vision
  • Mission
  • Values
  • Rules and Regulations
  • Structure
  • Work approach
  • Assumptions
  • Languages
  • Beliefs

Organisational behaviour consists of six important characteristics. Without these characteristics the organisational behaviour can’t stand. They are:

  • Innovation (Risk Orientation)
  • Attention to detail (Précising Orientation)
  • Emphasis on outcome (Achievement Orientation)
  • Emphasis on people (Fairness Orientation)
  • Teamwork (Collaboration Orientation)
  • Aggressiveness (Competitive Orientation)

It is very important for the organisation to analyse the organisations behaviour as it will help the organisation to understand the current behaviour and attitude of the employees and how it can be motivated and encouraged to meet the objectives and the goals (Hunt & Weintraub 2010). There are many models to analyse the organisational behaviour, some of them are like:

  • The Focus model (the model of competing values) – It is called the model of competing values due to the reason that it is based on the certain dimensions which exhibits opposite values. The Dimensions are “Internal, External, Flexible and Stable. These dimensions are opposite to each other and thus creates a quadrant

models, Unit 7 The Developing Manager Distinction Copy, The Developing Manager Distinction Copy, Hospitality management, Hospitality, Hospitality industry, The Developing Manager, Assignment Help UK, Assignment Help, Online Assignment Help, Assignment Writing Service, Assignment Help Coventry

This model helps the organisation to evaluate the performance in all dimensions.

  • Human Synergetic Model – This model is a graphical representation in a unified and theoretical model known as Circumplex (Kunda 2009). Based on some various, intellectual and management theories. This model evaluates the 12 styles and philosophy of the managers and the organisation as well. The 12 styles are:
  1. Motivation
  2. Affiliation
  3. Results
  4. Self-development
  5. Approving
  6. Conventional
  7. Subordination
  8. Avoidance
  9. Opposition
  10. Power
  11. Competitive
  12. Perfectionist

Human Synergetic Model, Unit 7 The Developing Manager Distinction Copy, The Developing Manager Distinction Copy, Hospitality management, Hospitality, Hospitality industry, The Developing Manager, Assignment Help UK, Assignment Help, Online Assignment Help, Assignment Writing Service, Assignment Help Coventry

  • The Denison Model – This model defines a theory of organisation behaviour that signifies the bond between the culture and the performance (Leiner et al. 2009).This model has 4 dimensions Involvement, Consistency, Adaptability and Mission. And each of the dimensions has three further features.

Task 1 C and 1 D Poster, Unit 7 The Developing Manager Distinction Copy, The Developing Manager Distinction Copy, Hospitality management, Hospitality, Hospitality industry, The Developing Manager, Assignment Help UK, Assignment Help, Online Assignment Help, Assignment Writing Service, Assignment Help Coventry

Task 1 C and 1 D Poster

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Task 2

A. Assess your own management skills performance and present a catalogue of essential management skills you possess along with your honest opinion about those skills.

The skills I do have with the honest marking of them on the scale of 1 to 10, where 1 is the lowest are as:



Communication Skill


Presentation Skill


Negotiation Skill


Leadership and team handling


Grievance handling




Result oriented


While auditing your skills always keep these DO’s and Don’ts in mind:

  1. Don’t be shy to show your skills.
  2. Don’t exaggerate about yourself.
  3. Don’t forget to mention about the achievements you have earned since the last skill audit.
  4. Do take feedback from colleagues and seniors.
  5. Do use appropriate and formal way of writing and representation.
  6. Do include the goals achieved by you.
  7. Do mention about the growth of organisation and team from your support.
  8. Don’t self-analysis as leverage.
  9. Do mention about the area you still need to expertise in.
  10. Do mention about the development plans that can be executed.

B. Produce a Strength, Weakness. Opportunities and Threat analysis on yourself, and submit an analysis statement in connection with the above essential management skills.

  • My strength as a leader
  1. I am Very good in communicating which helps me to communicate properly and effectively to me team members and my seniors as well.
  2. I am very good in presentation skills which help me to describe the work, performance and goals achieved by me and my team to the seniors.
  3. I am very flexible and result oriented at the same time which helps me, my team and my organisation to achieve my goals at any cost
  • My Weakness as a leader
  1. I am not good in grievance handling which sometimes bring me to a dilemma where I had to lose something to correct the situation.
  2. I am not good in negotiation skills which sometimes bring unachievable goals to achieve.
  3. I am very ethical in nature and so I don’t try any shortcut and cheap tricks to achieve the goals (Pucik & Saba 1998).This sometimes makes the profit a little less than to the competitors.
  • My Opportunities as a leader
  1. Promotion and advertisement and growth served by the organisation.
  2. Appraisal and incentives are pretty good than the competitive organisation.
  3. The working environment of the organisation is peaceful and harmonious.
  • My Threats as a leader:
  1. Bad health, due to continuous working pressure and goal achievement process.
  2. Job security, this industry and the position in the organisation is not very stable and a little mistake or un-proficiency can lead to firing.
  3. Inconstant growth, the growth speed and the promotion chances are pretty slow than the competitive organisations.

C. Present a diary of events to outline the setting and prioritising objectives and targets to develop own potential for the next 4 years.

Each service or duty either critical or not, either urgent or not has a deadline, and it must be completed within the prescribed timescale. Duties must be organized and prioritized depending upon the way of work, length of work, urgency and the deadline of it. The extremely important duty is to classify the work on the basis of high priority or preference from higher to lower, so that the job or task which requires most time however least important. So examine the different phases of the assignment or project and evaluate the time it will make to complete every phase (Rothwell & Ghelipter 2003).With the help of this you understand that while prioritising the phases what qualities and key features we have to keep in mind. This will give you the capacity to undertake and assign a time table and deadline for the project, and after that start working as per your time table and prioritisation towards fruition on that day? This will help encourage completing the assignment on the timeline and also help to know whether the stages are getting done at the right time or not. To accomplish my objective, justify:

  • Decide the amount of time should spend every week to accomplish assignment on deadline.
  • Note down the date on the notice board so that you never get it out of focus.
  • Have a tab on the stages and work completed towards achieving the target; it will keep me satisfied and motivated.
  • Check every week to check whether I am investing the appropriate measure of energy as arranged, and above all justify whether I have accomplished what I have set out every week.
  • After sometime this time table will turn into my routine and then it will be easier for me to achieve the target.

Task 3

A. Discuss how would you lead and motivate a team of field staff to achieve promoting “Whitechapel” as a new Tourist Destination at the forthcoming World Travel Market exhibition scheduled to be held at the O2 Arena in February 2014.

Motivation means applying the most philosophical or deep desire to shift and boost us in approaching our goals, to assist us in taking actions and endeavours even if we may face hurdles and disappointments. In the same manner motivation can act as the guide or encouragement in setting and attaining the achievements. Helps in:

  • Recognising the positive results: When a team member achieves a goal or completes a task a quick and effective appreciation will help the employee and the other team members to perform well. In today’s scenario where the work is done on a globalised platform the leader or manager need to appreciate via mediums like email or call (Smith & Reinertsen 1998). But as an effective manager, you should never forget that appreciation should be given in front of other team members so that they can get motivated too.
  • Nurture Potential: As an effective team leader it’s your responsibility to bring out the potentials of the members of your team. Every personnel is different and has unique capabilities, you have to create an atmosphere where they can bring out their hidden potentials or the skills. This will not only help the organisation to achieve its goal but also the team member in personal and professional development as well as in job satisfaction too.
  • Sincerity and Respect: Supporting the team members, when needed help is one of the crucial responsibilities of an effective leader (Dragoni, et al. 2009).  Every human is different and so are their learning, grasping and performing abilities are and as an effective manager you should understand and respect it. Creating an environment or training process, module or helping the needy team members to cope up and perform just like other team members is very important.
  • Understanding Needs: It is very important to understand the need of the employees because motivation is driven from the desires and needs only. And once you understood the need of the employee you can direct and motivate him to fulfil his need and desire and this will help the organisation, employee and the leader as well.

Task 4

A. Write a commentary explaining how your own managerial and personal skills will support your career development.

Personal management is very crucial for every individual to achieve or accomplish the personal and professional development in his life (Townsend & Cairns 2003). Personal management is nothing else but the ability of an individual to train and develop his skills, attitude, behaviour, etc. through the process of self-managed learning or lifelong learning or some other process.

  • Communication Skills – It is one of the most important and vital skill required by any and every working personnel. Imagine if you can complete the task but couldn’t communicate properly than nobody will ever come to know about your achievements.
  • Organising Skills – Organising skills is none other than the discipline and perfection. It is very important to have discipline and perfection in every task performed. Than only it will result effectively and efficiently in achieving the objective.
  • Self-development Skills – According to me this is the most important skill for the career development. Self-development means constant development in the skills like, attitude, behaviour, knowledge, etc. No personnel can ever achieve a new goal if those personnel are not developing his last skills.

B. You are required to produce a development Plan for yourself, after critically reviewing your career and personal development needs, your current performance as a management trainee, and future needs.

Development is a never ending process of broadening, carving and reconstructing the skills, knowledge and enthusiasm to advance my capacity, capabilities and effectiveness. Self-managed learning, lifelong learning, etc. (Zhao & Rosson 2009). It can help me in evolving my skills and knowledge which will further help me in the career development, also it will broaden my qualification, and other areas too. To understand the need of development it is necessary to:

  • Define the need and the goal also that need to be achieved.
  • Plan out the strategy that I need to achieve the goal.
  • Following the plan and improvising the same if needed.
  • Regular analysis of the stage completed in achieving the goals.

To develop the objectives or the goals that I need to achieve I need to understand that:

  • What should be my goal?
  • Why should I need to achieve this goal?
  • What difference this goal will bring in my development.
  • What are the ways that I can adopt to achieve the goal?
  • What are the factors that can help me in achieving the goals
  • What are the factors that may create difficulty in achieving the goals?
  • Who can help me in achieving the goals?


After earning the work experience and with the help of these papers I am able to conclude that there are many management styles and the companies use the different styles depending upon the organisation behaviour and culture also depending upon the different leadership styles used by the managers in the organisation. I am amazed with the different and effective communication techniques and the different models used to evaluate the organisational behaviour. I have also carried a skill audit with the help of SWOT and PESTLE analysis and the analysis of the methods that I can use to develop my skills. I have also learned the different methods used to motivate the staff and keep them working towards the goal. And also I came to understand the importance and the working of the POSDCoRB procedure.

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Badawy, M. K. (1995). Developing managerial skills in engineers and scientists: Succeeding as a technical manager. John Wiley & Sons.
Davila, A., Foster, G., & Li, M. (2009). Reasons for management control systems adoption: Insights from product development
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Dragoni, L., Tesluk, P. E., Russell, J. E., & Oh, I. S. (2009). Understanding managerial development: Integrating developmental assignments, learning orientation, and access to developmental opportunities in predicting managerial competencies. Academy of Management Journal52(4), 731-743.
Hunt, J. M., & Weintraub, J. R. (2010). The coaching manager: Developing top talent in business. Sage Publications.
Kunda, G. (2009). Engineering culture: Control and commitment in a high-tech corporation. Temple University Press.
Leiner, B. M., Cerf, V. G., Clark, D. D., Kahn, R. E., Kleinrock, L., Lynch, D. C., ... & Wolff, S. (2009). A brief history of the Internet. ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review39(5), 22-31.
Luthans, F., Youssef, C. M., & Avolio, B. J. (2006). Psychological capital: Developing the human competitive edge. Oxford University Press.
Mishra, A. A., & Shah, R. (2009). In union lies strength: Collaborative competence in new product development and its performance effects. Journal of Operations Management27(4), 324-338.
Pucik, V., & Saba, T. (1998). Selecting and developing the global versus the expatriate manager: A review of the state-of-the-art. People and Strategy,21(4), 40.

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