Unit 7 Sustainable Tourism London Olympiad Assignment

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Unit 7 Sustainable Tourism London Olympiad Assignment
Unit 7 Sustainable Tourism London Olympiad Assignment
Unit 7 Sustainable Tourism London Olympiad Assignment


Sustainable tourism is attracting the attention of the travel industry and it is receiving recognition in case of the majority of tourist destinations particularly where more awareness is present on the issue and there is also a willingness to recognize the impact of tourism on the environment (Valentin, 2000). The concept of Unit 7 Sustainable Tourism London Olympiad Assignment has gained popularity in case of small and emerging destinations also because these destinations are also willing to attract environment friendly tourists who want to go to a destination where efforts are being made for the protection of the environment (Stronza, 2007).

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Task 2- Analyse the development of tourism at different levels using London Olympiad

2.1 Analyse features of tourism development planning at different levels for London Olympiad

The development of tourism is a very complicated process and it needs to be simplified so that the actions can be converted into realistic achievements. The planning of the site can be initiated by the board team which supervises the whole development of the project. This team finalizes the master plan of the site and it may also invite suggestions by the people if any change needs to be made in the plan. The number of hotels, visitors that can be expected at maximum capacity as well as the capacity of car parking, walkways along with other issues like financing the project, the recreational instruments and activities to be offered at the site, the backup plans etc. are all discussed by this team. Afterwards, the architect, the contractor and local supervisors start working jointly to discuss the plan of the site. This is the level where intricate details of planning are discussed like the investment required, the raw materials required and the time to initiate the work at the site. After this stage, site engineers and contractors start the work jointly so that the plan that has been provided by the designers and architects can be executed. This process of planning needs to consider all possibilities including the maximum as well as the minimal response of the public and the alternative which can be adopted in case the project is not able to achieve the desired success.

2.2 Evaluate the significance of interactive planning systems and processes in tourism developments for London Olympiad of

If tourism development is not planned properly, it can leave permanent footprints on the physical, economic, social and cultural environment of a particular destination. Therefore, if tourism development is not planned properly, it may result in alienating the local residents, and at the same time, what immense pressure on the infrastructure of the destination. Any inappropriate nature and scale of development may be the result of a lack of national or local planning and regulation or laissez-faire tourism policies. It is the responsibility of the government as well as the other stakeholders from the tourism industry to make sure that the development of tourism results in long-term prosperity and also to make sure that as a result of the development, the quality of life of future generations is not placed at risk. 

A significantly successful way to include all the stakeholders in the development of a project can be by adopting an interactive planning system. Particularly, in case of the project of national significance like London Olympiad, it is very important that all the stakeholders are involved in the project from the very beginning till its commissioning so that the resistance faced by the project and also any unexpected problems in the way of the project can be removed and it can be completed quickly. And in case of an interactive planning system, electronic mediums like the multimedia and e-mails are used as the planning tool with the help of which, the inputs from all the stakeholders, including the local people can be included. At the same time, the government can also be aware of the things that need to be included in the project and what should be excluded from the project if the concerns of the local people are heard which in turn saves cost and time. Similarly in case of any large development, decision-making process is also very crucial. Therefore when all the stakeholders have agreed to the project on a single forum, it is easy for the successful completion of the project. Similarly with the help of an interactive planning system, it is possible for all the stakeholders to voice their concerns and also raise the issues that need to be included in the project at the time of designing the project so that any retribution in the future can be avoided. In this case, at the initial level itself, there is a lot of interaction which goes on throughout the continuation of the project and in this way, all the stakeholders are aware of the latest development of the project. In this way, every stakeholder can take part in the development of the project and also feel a part of the project. At the same time, it also makes the stakeholders feel that they have played a positive role in representing their community (Brickley, Black and Cottrell, Eds. 2013).

2.3 Evaluate different methods available to measure tourist impact with reference to Olympiad

In order to achieve sustainable tourism development, the process of planning and management needs to be adopted that is capable of bringing together the interests and concerns of various stakeholders in a strategic and sustainable way. As a result of this complexity, it is required that a planning approach should be adopted which is multidimensional as well as purposely integrative. In this regard, tourism planning requires that there should be an understanding regarding the meaning of sustainable development and also the guiding values for promoting sustainable tourism. It is also required that the local communities are made sufficiently aware regarding the tourism industry and at the same time, the local community is also the capable of understanding the impact of tourism. Similarly, different processes need to be adopted so that the local community is engaged and integrated in participated in planning as well as conflict resolution and consensus building among all the stakeholders.

The development of a tourism site takes place to take care of the expected flow of tourists who are going to stay for a long time and can also spend a significant amount of money. The strong point of any tourist site lies in the natural beauty of the place as well as the easy access from the nearest city or town, the facilities available at the site, infrastructure and the cultural and social impact of the place. The success of a particular to this place can be evaluated from the number of tourists visiting the place after a particular event and also the amount of foreign exchange generated from such place. This can provide a rough estimate of the impact on the tourists when they visit the Olympiad. However there is another way of evaluating the impact on tourists. In case of this method, the positive energy created at the place or after an event is measured by seeing different media channels. This can be an emotional and intuitive evaluation and for this purpose the positive sentiments left behind by the tourists are evaluated. For example, the number of people coming from a particular country can be used to measure the impact of marketing of that spot in that particular country. For the purpose of recording all the arrivals, the data from all transportation stations can be gathered which can also reveal the tourists' impact. Another way of evaluating the impact of a tourist place on the visitors is to conduct a survey among the tourists visiting particular place in order to see how deeply they were impacted by the visit and how they liked the function (Saarinen, Rogerson and Manwa, Eds. 2013). In this way, there are a number of ways in which the tourist impact can be evaluated in case of the London Olympiad that is being developed in East London.

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Task 3

3.1 Justify the introduction of the concept of sustainability in tourism development with reference to London Olympiad

According to the concept of sustainability, anything that has been created needs to last for the use of future generations also. In case of tourism sector also, the significance of sustainability cannot be denied. With a view to define sustainable tourism, it has been said that it is the, "tourism that considers the present and future, social, economic and environmental impact while dealing with the needs of the tourists, industry as well as the host community and the environment" (Blaikie, 2006). In this way, according to this definition of sustainable tourism, it has to consider all the possible impact of such activities in the present as well as the impact of these activities in future also. Therefore, it is important that London Olympiad is developed with a view to make sure that even after the games, for which it was created, the place can be used for a different purpose. This means that the site should be capable of being converted into a recreational place for the people of East London where a large number of events can be hosted and similarly, many entertainment centres will also be present. Due to the reason that such a large amount of money was involved in creating the Olympiad, it is necessary that the place is not used for a single occasion. Therefore, even after the main event has taken place, the place should be capable of being used by the people and at the same time, generate revenue. Only then it can be said that the money of the taxpayers has been used wisely and at the same time, the people of East London have also received a recreational centre of international standards.

3.2 Analyse factors that may prevent/hinder sustainable tourism development for London Olympiad

It is not very difficult to execute sustainable tourism if all the stakeholders are involved in the process and at the same time, collective positive action is taken in this regard. However there are several factors due to which the implementation of sustainable tourism at the Olympiad site can be thwarted. For example if the hotels that are present near the main site that do not use the techniques aimed at protecting the environment like recycling water, the use of solar energy and a ban on some environmentally harmful products like plastic bags, it can be said that the development of the site has been a failure and it may not be able to sustain in the long run. Therefore it is very important to evaluate the impact on the environment of the development of particular site otherwise it is possible that sustainable development may not be achieved for a long time. At the same time, the obstacle caused by the lack of responsibility on the part of the local citizens in waste disposal can also be detrimental for the site and set aside may not sustain to be operating for much longer. In case, more problems will be created by the development of a particular site for the environment of the area and produce more, it is necessary to review such impacts to the minimum as there is a risk that the operations at the site may not be able to continue for a long time because problems like diseases can be caused at the site by the climate change. At the same time, by ignoring the social impact of the development of a particular site can also result in many obstacles for the project. The reason is that in such a case the development. The site may not be within the reach of the common people of the area and as a result, there can be a fall in the revenue expectations which may result in the failure of the project itself. Another factor that needs to be considered is related with the economic impact of the development. In case unnecessary expenditure has been made on the development instead of investing in something that is much more significant like education and health care, such a development may not receive the respect from the people and therefore, may fail (Goodwin, 2009).

3.3 Analyse different stages in planning for sustainability

The concept of sustainability requires to be adopted at the conceptual design stage of development of a project. According to the first stage which is related with identifying the social, cultural, economic and environmental influence of such development, with a view to reduce or completely mitigate such negative impacts. In the second stage, all the stakeholders need to be involved and suggestions should be taken from them, particularly related with the negative outcomes that may be generated by the development of a particular site and also the perceived outlook of the stakeholders regarding the development in the long run. At the same time, there are wider issues related with social Justice, gender equality and the elevation of poverty as well as the study of future trends and the adoption of measures so that the future needs can be fulfilled and at the same time, the use of renewable materials and other such issues that need to be considered in case of the development of London Olympiad. Particularly the possibility of reducing poverty by providing employment should be considered so that the jobs can be generated for the unemployed. In the same way, using natural resources as well as the availability and deficit of such resources should also be considered because when a large number of people will be affected to an event at the Olympiad, the decision related with the use of a particular natural resources will decide if such resources available in plenty or is rare. At the same time, the influence on culture at the local as well as at international level also needs to be considered so that intercultural fusion and development can be promoted by the site. It is also important that all the resources and materials that will be used for the development of the site should be clearly identified and they should be selected after verifying the availability of these resources as it is important to sustain future demand as and when it arises (McCool et al., 2013).

Task 4

4.1 Evaluate methods of resolving a conflict of interests to ensure the future wellbeing of a developing tourism destination with reference to the above scenario

Broadly speaking, there are four approaches that can be adopted in this regard. The first approach is considered as a collective action and in this case, the emphasis is on participation and the specific cause. Next comes the study of intergroup relationships in which the emphasis is on group identification for the purpose of conflict resolution. A useful starting point in considering collaboration requires it to be seen as a formal case of collective action. The advantage provided by it is that it immediately brings to for the main issue related with the willingness to participate. There are three conditions that are required in case of collective action. There should be a grievance; there should be common consciousness and an awareness among the individuals that at least something towards the cause but others may not feel the same.

For the purpose of this Unit 7 Sustainable Tourism London Olympiad Assignment, has been selected which is larger as compared to all of the resorts of the area. The conflicts may arise with the tour operators because the resort has a strict policy related with the rate of rooms and it is not flexible therefore it is not possible for the resolve to accommodate any such request made by the tour operators. On the other hand, a conflict may arise between the tour operators and the government if they have to pay a higher rate of tax while doing business in Dominican Republic. As a result, tension may be present in the operating styles of the tour operators and it may result in preventing the tourist from the United Kingdom and the United States of America. As a result, the resort may have to face a dilemma because for maintaining this type of huge development, there are very high fixed costs. In order to meet these costs, the resort may have to be lenient regarding the issue of the date of rooms and holiday packages offered by it. With the help of these measures, the resort can ensure the success and sustainability of its development and may continue to thrive in business. At the same time, it is also important that the government should step in and provide a uniform system of tax that is applicable to all which will ensure that regular tours continue from the operators situated in the US and the UK. In this regard, the resort can also be initiated with the two operators regarding the fees charged by them. The resort also needs to understand that in order to stay competitive, it needs a large number of customers and most of these customers will be provided to the resort by these tour operators and no one else therefore an agreement should be made with the tour operators regarding their fees and similarly, the price of holiday packages offered by the resort should be decided on the basis of peak and lean seasons.

4.2 Analyse the implications of balancing supply and demand

There are two very important factors that have to be kept in mind by the tour and travel industry. These factors are supply and demand. Therefore, an increase in demand takes place when the economic conditions support spending by consumers. In such a case, regular traffic is available for the resolve and also for the area. Therefore it is significant that demand is evaluated accurately and then the rate of rooms and packages are adjusted accordingly. For example, there can be an increase in the demand during certain parts of the year like during the vacations in the schools when more families may decide to come to Dominican Republic. Therefore the rates should be adjusted by the resort in such a way that maximum occupancy can be ensured. The demand has to be supplied effectively by the industry or else there may be a rise in the price of the products like the rates of the rooms, date of passports, price of tickets and other services related. As a result of the rise in prices, the demand may be reduced and therefore, as a result of less occupancy, the resort may have to face a period of lossmaking (Blaikie, 2006).

4.3 Evaluate the moral and ethical issues of enclave tourism

Enclave tourism takes place when the level of tourism is of highly concentrated nature which focuses on particular segments of customer base and there are minimum Tourism Entrepreneurs. This is not moral because the number of tourists who want affordable accommodation is more as compared to the tourists who want luxurious holidays. It has also been seen in case of such resorts and developments that they hire selected people and only a few verses from the local community which is also not ethical and cannot be justified because these organizations are doing business in a country and it cannot be appreciated if they do not provide these benefits to the people of that country.

The development can also be intimidating for common travellers because they may feel that they did not belong to such a large resolved. This is also not moral because it results in an inequality. The lifestyle that is presented by such development does not match its surroundings and therefore it reinforces amongst the consumers, a price exclusivity which in turn creates a market only for the tourists who can afford a costly holiday or the foreign tourists. Such activities are not ethical and moral because they result in increasing the inequality among the consumers (Stronza, 2007).

Task 5

5.1 Compare current issues associated with tourism development in a developing country and an emerging destination where the impacts of tourism are different for your chosen destination

Goa can be described as a popular beach destination in India. It has great beaches and a number of stay options including low and economy stay options to the upscale accommodation. This allows the people of India and of other countries to decide the accommodation on the basis of their budget and affordability. However a significant issue is related with waste disposal and the protection of the environment. This issue is increasingly becoming significant drop the world and therefore in India also it is a prominent issue. There are several hotels providing affordable stay to the consumers but these small voters cannot be described as environment friendly. Similarly, policies like the use of renewable sources have not been adopted by these voters yet. Similarly the sociocultural situation present at a destination like Goa that belongs to a developing country can be described as stable. An equitable treatment is offered to all the citizens. The development of tourism has achieved an advanced stage in case of Goa and lessons have been learned from the mistakes made earlier while in case of an emerging destination, such practices may not be present. Similarly an emerging destination has to learn its own lessons related with sustainable tourism and then the lessons learned the hard way are applied to its own plan of Tourism Development.

5.2 Evaluate, with recommendations, the future development of tourism in these chosen destinations

It can be recommended that several policy initiatives can be a part of future development in Goa which is capable of considering the impact of development on its society, culture, economy and the environment. Similarly, inclusive growth strategies can be a part of Tourism Development which requires the hiring of local people as being mandatory so that poverty in the area can be reduced. In the same way, it is also important that the development is environment friendly and for this purpose, policies and norms like imposing a ban on the use of plastic or restricting the use of cars on particular roads to reduce CO2 emissions, cleanliness drives to be launched on the hotels that are located on the beach and also by the local people and the use of recommended material for the development of hotels and other infrastructure. It is important that these norms are made part of the policy and it should be strictly followed by all the hotels that are being developed in the area and severe penalties should be imposed in case of a breach of these norms. In the same way, and the development of this tourist destination can be made more sustainable if the effects of climate change can be studied, particularly in the travel pattern of the tourists from other countries. In this way, regular flow of foreign tourists can be ensured which in turn will result in sustainable revenue. Similarly the issue of waste disposal should be discussed with all the stakeholders and a review of all the violations should be conducted every month in order to make sure that the tourism industry and the local people are following the law (Miller, 2001).

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Although the concept of Unit 7 Sustainable Tourism London Olympiad Assignment is a noble concept for all those who are part of the tourism industry and although it is not possible to completely achieve this objective immediately, at least efforts should be made to achieve this target to its maximum level and for this purpose the initiative's should be applied and adaptations should be made according to the requirements. Development of London Olympiad has proved to be immensely successful and it also reveals the intention that a unique destination should be offered to the people. However at the same time, it is also important that this destination is maintained in such a way that is sustainable. In the same way, in case of Case de Campo resort also it can be recommended that some methods for resolving conflict should be adopted and the resort should try to reach one-time settlement with tour operators. Similarly in this case it is also necessary that a uniform system of tax is introduced. On the other hand, the tourist destination of Goa with this wonderful natural environment should also introduce more measures aimed at achieving sustainable development in case of tourism.


Blaikie, P. 2006, Is small really beautiful? Community-based natural resource management in Malawi and Botswana, World Dev. 34, 1942–1957
Brickley, K., Black, R., Cottrell, S., Eds. 2013, Sustainable Tourism and Millennium Development Goals; Jones & Bartlett Learning: Burlington, MA, USA
Carrier, J. 2010, Protecting the environment the natural way: Ethical consumption and commodity fetishism. Antipode, 42, 672–689.
Goodwin, H. 2009, Contemporary policy debates: Reflections on 10 years of pro-poor tourism. J. Policy Res. Tourism Leis. Events 1, 90–94

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