The aim of this Sustainable Tourism Development Assignment London Olympics is to establish a clear understanding of the issues that are involved in sustainable tourism development. This report involves various developmental issues related to the London Olympics games of the year 2012. The successful bidding for hosting the London Olympics of the year 2012 has several tourism related social, cultural and economic impact on the travel and tourism development of the United Kingdom. This report also deals with the enclave tourism in the Dominican Republic and the problems faced by the local public as a result of the enclave travel and tourism in the sector.
Task 1
Rationale of planning in the travel and tourism sector: There is a need of involving planning in the travel and tourism sector in order to be able to reach the desired economic, social and cultural impact from the tourism sector (BRAMWELL, B, 1999). By proper planning the positive impact of the development and growth of tourism can be maximized and the negative impacts can be reduced significantly.
Stakeholders in tourism planning
How stakeholders benefit from planning of tourism development for the London Olympiad of 2012?
Stakeholders such as the local communities can benefit from the tourism plan as the plan can be developed keeping in mind the involvement of the local community in the London Olympiad 2012 plan (UNITED NATIONS ENVIRONMENT PROGRAMME, 2009). The public and private firms also benefitted from the development of tourism planning in London Olympiad of 2012 as with planning there was better management and resource allocation between the private and public ownership. This led to better management of the Olympics hosting
Benefits of stakeholders involved in the planning process
By the involvement of the stakeholders the London Olympiad planning authority could ensure the stimulation of interest and enthusiasm regarding the project. Carefully planned tourism development with stakeholder’s consultation and involvement leads to economic benefits to all the stakeholders, increased tourists’ satisfaction and growth of the social, economic and the physical environment (MACBETH, J., 1997). The participation of the stakeholders in the tourism planning of London Olympiad would ultimately lead to sustainable developments and acceptance of the planning projects by the community and equal distribution of economic benefits and transparency
The London Olympic 2012 hosting was an outcome of lots of planning and implementation of strategies. There was lots of public private partnership. The definition of public private partnership is the collaboration of the public and the private sector in order to achieve a desired goal that is the development of a tourist’s area or a region in case of tourism planning. For the London Olympiad 2012 there were lots of private public partnership for the development of infrastructure such as road, bridges, light rail, water, air traffic control systems and sanitation systems. The adoption of the European Commission in the year 2004 the Green Paper of Public- Private Partnership Community Law came into force. That governed the principle of the PPP (MEIDUT?, Ieva and Paliulis, Narimantas Kazimieras, 2011).
Advantages of PPP
Disadvantages of PPP
With the Private and Public sector partnership the control of government in the development of tourism is decreased. The risks were shared between the public and private partners for the London Olympiad and all important decisions were jointly taken leading to loss of the control of the government
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Features of interactive planning
Developing planning layers
National tourism planning
It is the tourism plan for an entire country which might include specific objectives for a region of the country. The plan is inclusive of the following components;
Regional or local tourism planning
These are planning of tourism dealing with specific issues affecting a tourism area within a country. The planning issues vary significantly from region to another. These are the tourism plan specifically for a state, city or a resort. It considers the transfer of tourism related information to the tourists. For regional or local tourism planning there has been the development of;
Features of tourism planning at different levels for London Olympiad
Significance of interactive planning for London Olympics 2012
In order to measure the impact to the tourists with reference to the London Olympiad various methods can be used; these are qualitative and quantitative, Cambridge Economic Impact and Sport Tourism Economic Assessment model.
Qualitative Methods to measure tourist impact of the London Olympiad
In this method elaborate information in the form of tests are used to evaluate the impacts.
Quantitative Methods to measure tourist impact of the London Olympiad
The Sport Tourism Economic Assessment Model: By the model the economic impact on the host country as a result of hosting a sport is assessed. It is also known as STEAM. The economic impacts of the London Olympiad 2012 would be assessed in this model of evaluation.
The Cambridge Impact Model: Using this model the London Olympiad authority would assess the net worth and net volume of the tourist inflow. This model evaluates tourism impact by the help of statistics and survey data (CANADIAN SPORT TOURISM, 2013).
In the Dominican Republic the Casa de Campo is located in the south east coast in the region of La Romania. These resorts where developed converting 7,000 acres of sugar mills into enclave tourist’s resorts. The Casa de Campo region is suffering from various current issues that are impacting the wellbeing of the tourism development in the region.
Analysis of the current issues in the CASA DE campo region
Resolving conflicts in the CASA DE CAMPO region
Training and educating the locals and the tourism management would ensure a combined approach to work to resolve the conflicts
The balancing of the demand and supply of tourism is an ethical issue. Tourism has market led demand which needs strategies that are oriented to the supply to establish a proper balance. In the case of Casa de Campo the balance is not established as there is no proper and regulated involvement of the public and private sector, the non-profit bodies and the local residents of the region. The management of the tourism supply in the Casa de Campo region is not regulated leading to supply imbalance as the region has limited access to tourists and the indigenous population (FONT, Xavier and Ahjem, Tor E.).
For balancing the demand with the supply in Casa de Campo region there is need to;
Promote the infrastructure projects and develop them for the growth of tourism. Also private public partnership and private investments must be encouraged in the region in order to balance the demand with the supply
Social Carrying capacity
The World Tourism Organisation defines social carrying capacity as the maximum number of people that a tourist destination can accommodate at the same time without causing any destruction or harm to the physical, economic, social or cultural environment of the tourist destination. For balancing the supply and demand of the tourism the determination of the social carrying capacity of any region is very important as it would lead the Dominican republic to hold and have influx of the amount of the tourists at any given point of time that the region can hold without any hindrance or destruction to the establishment of a sustainable tourism in the region. The ministry of tourism in the Dominican Republic must cooperate in the initiative of development of tourism in the region (Sambrook & Kermath, n.d.)
The figure above shows that in order to match the demand with the supply in the Dominican republic there has been a substantial increase in the hotel room capacity so that the tourists due not suffer an imbalance of accommodation according to the demand. In order to balance the tourism demand and supply the government of Dominican Republic has taken planning and development of international tourism in the region.
In casa de Campo region the enclave tourism exists. Enclave tourism is defined as the type of tourism in which there are resorts that are self-equipped and contained. All the necessities of life are provided in tourism in these resorts. They are also known as cities in a city. Mostly, these tourist destinations are situated near tropical and coastal areas.
Moral and ethical issues in enclave tourism
Another moral and ethical issue in this type of tourism is that the local goods and services are not used. The employment generated by enclave tourism is seasonal in nature.
Enclave tourism in Casa De Campo region is associated with many moral and ethical issues they are;
I am selecting India as an emerging tourist destination.
In developing economies like India tourism has become one of the chief contributors to the economy. A large portion of the income of the economy is derived from travel and tourism. 6.23% of the GDP contribution is derived from travel and tourism. World Travel and Tourism Council predicts that during the period of 2009-2018 India will be the hotspot of tourism (H.Lalnunmawia, 2013).
Negative impacts of tourism in India
India requires intensive tourism planning to ensure a sustainable tourism in the country. India needs to develop the tourism industry benefitting the economy and the local community to the maximum extent and driving off the negative impacts.
Evaluation of the future development of tourism in India
India has a bright prospect of growth of travel and tourism industry in future. The industry is developing and India is offering variety of tourism packages emerging as a one stop destination. The government of India is also taking initiatives to develop travel and tourism. India in future will be a tourism hot spot as it offers,
India is one amongst the few countries offering variety of tourism experiences to suit the needs of all types of visitors. With the speedy implementation of tourism projects in India and development of rural areas the prospects are bright also the visa policy of India will also be modified enabling an electronic online visa.
Recommendation for future development of tourism in India
This report stresses on the need of striving for the development of sustainable tourism. A responsible tourism is one in which the government, private bodies and local communities share responsibilities and initiatives. Tourism development requires proper sequential planning and management. There is a need to access and evaluate the economic, social, cultural, moral and ethical impacts of tourism in every destination.
Andriotis, K., 2005. Community Gorups' Perceptions of Preferences to Tourism Development.. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research, 29(1), pp. 67-90.
Ap, J., 1990. Residents perceptinos on the social impact of tourism. Annals of Tourism Research, 17(4), pp. 610-616.
Bramwell, B., 1999. Collaboration in local tourism policymaking. Annals of Tourism Research, 26(2), pp. 392-415.
Font, X. & Ahjem, T. E., n.d. Searching for a balance in tourism development strategies, s.l.: s.n.
Available at:
[Accessed 6 February 2015].
International Olympic Committee, 2012. Final Report Of the IOC Coordination Commission, London: s.n.
Jowell, R. H. T., 2012. Before, during and after: making the most of the London 2012 Games, London: s.n.
Macbeth, J., 1997. Planning in action: A report and reflections onsustainable tourism in the ex-shire of Omeo. In: J. J. a. G. C.M., ed. Tourism Planning and Policy in Australia and NewZealand: Cases, Issues and Practice. Irwin, Sydney: In Hall, pp. 145-53.
Meidut?, I. & Paliulis, N. K., 2011. Feasibility study of public-private partnership. International Journal of Strategic Property Management, pp. 264-266.
Sambrook, R. A. & Kermath, B. M., n.d. Tourism Growth Poles Revisited: A Strategy of Economic Development In the Dominician Republic, Kentucky, USA: Eastern Kentucky University.
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