Working With and Leading With People Assignment

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Working With and Leading With People Assignment
Working With Leading With People Assignment
Working With and Leading With People Assignment


Human resource is a process that covers the entire workforce of the organisation including both employer and employee. Human resource frames the guideline for employees for better understanding of their work. Under this process people are recruited through a pre-defined selection and screening process when it is required. Every organization like Vodafone UK follows their own method of selection and recruiting with some different techniques of leadership.
Working With and Leading With People Assignment

Task 1

1.1 Documentations to recruit and select new staff members in your organisation

It has been observed that Vodafone UK has huge requirement of customer service executive so they have conducted recruitment process in their organisation where they have shortlisted few of the CV’s for the interview (Merrow, 2011). They have some set criteria for the selection of the candidates where they will assess the communication skills, typing speed, confidence and customer handling skills of the candidate. The candidates should be between 18 – 35 years of age and should be 12th pass outs (Ghannam,  2011, p.10). At the end of the selection process they have selected two of the candidates as they were meeting some of the criteria’s. Among the two one hand excellent communication and customer handling skills but has average typing speed. The second candidate has wonderful typing speed with good customer handling skills but he is weak in English (Aubrey, 2011).

  • Process of shortlisting: The process gets initiated with the application of CV and assessing each of them as per their qualification and working experience. As opined by Ghannam (2011,p.12), the must needed thing for shortlisting remains assessment of the curricular vitae which should need all the points to be covered about the candidate with proper updation of each along with the undertaken duties.
  • Intelligence Test: In this test the recruiter measures the candidate’s intellectual ability with test memory where the candidates ability to think or respond logically with problem solving skills are being judged (Barberis, 2011).
  • Aptitude test: These test covers the clerical, numerical and mechanical areas where the candidates potentiality to perform the job and learn new things are forecasted.
  • Proficiency test: This particular test is completely related to assessor’s objective which measures the ability to do work. It also measures the skills and abilities already acquired by the candidate (Barberis, 2011).
  • Identification of relevance of interviewing
    The key steps for getting the right person are:
    • Determination of the necessity to hire a new team
    • Conducting a thorough analysis about the job
    • Writing in detail a job specification and description for which a job analysis is needed
    • Determination of the pay package will depend on the external as well as internal equity
    • Select the positions from where qualified applicants can be obtained
    • Review and collect the job applications and then make a review of the desired candidate profile

Advantage and Disadvantage of Interviews

Advantages imply:

  • Speech correction
  • Relation development between an interviewee and interviewer
  • Choosing of the right candidate

Disadvantage of interviewing:
Disadvantages are:

  • Verbal Interview does not proves that the candidate is suitable for the designation
  • Mostly an interviewee is not attentive of what being questioned in the interview process

Selection includes two processes:

  • Thinking about the outcomes if the selected candidate does not comes out with whatever he have verbally interviewed
  • Try to make selection of the best fit within your organization

1.2 impacts of the legal, regulatory and ethical considerations in recruitment and selection process

According to the rights of employment under the 1999, Employment Relations Act, maternity leave would be increased to 10 week which subsequently has been amended whereas the parental leave would be increased for a period of 13 weeks (Peterson, 2011). For the emergency leave, the company would be making arrangements for a person’s care that is dependent on the employee.

An organizational success completely depends on the efficiency of the employees and how much competency they are offering towards their project. Always a work is needed to be completed with all efficiency which is actually the key factor of the company (Davies, 2011). Therefore, recruitment of competent employees is needed to be the primary concern for every manager.Role of HRM team has its biggest effect over the company recruitment and selection process. Infact it is the responsibility of the human resource management that they should be careful enough to take care of their responsibilities as well as well-informed about what are the roles they need to perform (Dodge et al. 2011). Hence for an organization HRM remains the key performer to bring success.

Next it is the efficiency of the employees that are needed to be taken care of. The employees should get motivation from the company in order to continue with their best ever effective result and regular supervision to what they are submitting as daily basis will certainly help the organization in maintaining a better outcome in terms of revenue turnover (Cobb, 2011). Keeping in mind about the various right of employment, a good team would be producing only the best result and a good Human Resource Management will be helping the team motivated in terms of their production.

It has been noticed in Vodafone UK that they follow a legal, ethical and regulatory practice for which the employees working there are satisfied with the organisation and gives their best performance. Due to the proper leave policies and pay outs candidates shows their interest in joining the organisation (Eccles and Serafeim, 2011). Because of following the correct practices of employee legislation there has been a great impact on the recruitment and selection process as they get a lot of candidates to be interviewed which gives them a greater option pick out the candidate with the best qualities and skills to perform the job. The drawback of this organisation is that the working hours are too long along with huge work pressure for which employees tend to leave the job frequently and they have to conduct the recruitment process frequently which is a loss of time and money of the organisation (Schermerhorn, 2011). They should follow the proper rest breaks so that the employees are not exhausted with the work and the work timing should not exceed more than 48 hours in a week.

1.3 The selection process and own contribution in the selection process

Being in the HR team I conducted a process where the selection types include:

  • Test on Intelligence: The IQ test will be relating with the job performance, social pathologies, and advancement of socioeconomic circumstances. It is Infact an attempt for measuring the intelligence of an employee. It gets designed to provide a quotient of intelligence from the standardized scores received in the test (Senge and Scharmer, 2011).
  • Aptitude Test: Systematically it tells the employer about the various abilities of the employee to perform within his organization and continue a particular task with the proper reaction in different situations. Each of the tests will have their standard administration method with systems of scoring that will be resulting in employment within the company (Brown and Harvey, 2011).
  • Psychometric and Personality Test: This kind of test gets continued at different stages for the process of selection such as:
    • After the submission of online application
    • Alongside the interview conducted first
    • Can be conducted at the later stage perhaps during the second interview
  • Proficiency Test: It will be determining individual performance for some particular test with measurement for monitoring performance as well as having the best effective outcome.
  • Centres for Assessment: All these tests I have used for shortlisting as well as selecting and then recruiting employees. Along with these being a part of HRM service team I also had to make a detailed budgeting before recruitment so as to enable the project quality and quantity as well so as to serve my company in getting the best output at the end of the project (Ghannam, 2011, p.12)

Task 2

2.1 Theories of leadership and management

The term leadership will be having its biggest effects on making the best ever difference as it entails the alteration of an organization as well as bringing choices among its alternatives. The leadership will be depending others development and mobilising all of them for completing the job (Fletcher et al. 2011, p.1).

Being a manager the best leadership and management theory to be followed is the contingency leadership theory which is an extension of trait theory. This theory explains that there is no particular way of leading and every leadership style is based on the situation which defines that few of them are there who can perform best in those places but the minimal performances are taken out of their elements (Nam and Pardo, 2011, p.283).
Leadership is actually a blend of compulsion with persuasion which will be resulting in creating and making people for doing things.

Its framework includes:

  • Trait and quality approach
  • Group or functional approach
  • Leadership style
  • Leadership under the category of behavioural
  • Inspirational leadership
  • Contingency and the situational approach

Task Function that action-cantered leadership
It greatly includes:

  • Defining the tasks within group
  • Resource allocation
  • Planning of work
  • Duties and organization responsibilities

The functioning of the team includes

  • Building a good team spirit
  • Maintaining a better team
  • Maintaining of discipline within the organization
  • Communication system within the group
  • Training within the group
  • Appointing of sub-leaders

Studies on Ohio State Leadership
A couple of dimensions stating the leadership behaviour include:

  • Consideration: It will be reflecting the extent within which the leader will be establishing a mutual rapport and respect with trust among group with the exhibition of warmth, concern, support a well as consideration within their subordinates (Ginsberg and Multon, 2011, p.42).
  • Structure: It will be reflecting the idea of the leader as well as the group of structure where each will be interacting with the other

Leadership Importance

  • The good leadership will be helping in development of team work
  • It will be helping in giving an intrinsic motivation towards the team with focussing on the work importance

2.2 Differences between leadership and managerial skills.

Management and Leadership must be going all at once but both have different meaning. They offer a lot of dependency between each other. And importantly, if any effort is brought to separate these two terms then the solution might be something raising a lot of problem (Bloom et al. 2011, p.42).
The manager will be planning, coordinating as well as organizing a complete project. On the other hand, the leader will be assigned for motivation and inspiration of his teams.



He will be administering

Leader will be innovating ideas

Manager will be maintaining an existing task

Leader will be giving original idea

Manager will be maintaining

Leader will be developing

Manager will be maintaining the system and will be focussing on maintenance only

Leader will be focussing on people

Manager will be relying on control

Leader will be inspiring by trust

Manager will be having short view range

He will be having long-range of perspective

Manager will be asking when and how

Leader will be querying of why and what

Manager will be focussing on the final outcome

Leader will be concentrating on horizon

Manager will be imitating

Leader will be originating

Manager will be accepting ‘status quo’

Leader will be challenging

Manager will be doing things rightly

Leader will be responsible for right things

2.3 Leadership theories compare two different situations

The Situational Leadership is defined as the theory which includes leadership’s ‘contingency theories’. This kind of theory holds a definition that says the effectiveness of the leader exhibits immense relation with the behaviour and trait of the leader to the several ‘situational factors’. As per the contingency theories, the efficacy of a leader will be contingent depending on the ability of modifying the behaviour of the management to a level that requires sophistication or maturity (Fraley et al. 2011, p.615).
Being a situational leader, I perform certain behaviour that implies the leadership behaviour of some great personality. These are:

  • Telling is where being a leader I would be demonstrating the behaviour which are low supportive and high directive
  • Selling is where I need to make a demonstration about the high directive and supportive behaviour
  • Participating is where I will be demonstrating the high supportive and low directive behaviour
  • Delegating is where I will be making a demonstration about the low directive and supportive behaviour

As per an analysis Leadership is an attempt which will have its best influence over the behaviour shown by some other group acting individually (Marshall et al. 2011, p.89). That is an effective leader is the person who will be making things accomplished. Effectiveness of a work has got a lot to do with the emotion of people.

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Task 3

3.1 The benefits of teamwork in your organization?

Team means a group of people working for a same project at the same time but covering different areas. The benefits of team work are that it helps to maintain a high quality of work which is cost effective and productive (Antony, 2011, p.186). This opens the opportunity for increases ones information and knowledge and skills by making the work more innovative with added information that proves out to be useful for the team An efficient team has a well-defined characteristics like

  • Active participation
  • Defined and strategic purposes
  • Unpretentious
  • Active listening
  • Constructive  engagements
  • Cognizant  decisions
  • Open discussions
  • Defined roles and work assignments
  • Distributed leadership
  • Style variance
  • Self-evolution
  • Outside relationship

To follow and utilize the skills and knowledge of the team members it is essential to follow the KSA (knowledge, skills and ability) approach by all the team players. The KSA approach is segregated into two parts

  • Interpersonal KSA’s: it is a process of conflict resolution which might end up in win- loss or win- win situation. They follow a cooperative and collaborative problem solving process by having a verbal and non-verbal communication in the team.
  • Self-management KSA’s: In this process the team players has their own goal setting and manage their performances by proper planning and co-ordination with the other team members.

it has been analysed that Vodafone UK has focused on the team work to enhance better performance of  the team (Bruffaerts et al.2011,p.36). The impact of team work is that the work can be easily distributed among the employee and their remains a healthy competition to improve their individual performances and skills as other hard work acts as a motivational factor for the rest of the members.

3.2  Common problem in teamwork results:

In Vodafone UK they follow the Myer Briggs theory in which it has explained that for team building it is essential to generate awareness and understanding oneself along with the team members so that one can value the differences between the team member and their skills and abilities (Coventry  et al. p.1). Once the workshop is completed each individual should write a personal action plan which helps in the development of the complete team along with you. Once the team members understand each other properly then, they can build trust and develop more communication and co-ordination among them that will make the work simplified and easy to complete it with perfection.

There are often conflicts seen among the employees in the organisation but it is the duty and responsibility of the team leader or the manager to handle it skilfully and create a proper gelling among the team players only then, will the team perform and achieve the targeted goals (Snow et al. 2011, p.1). The manager should also motivate his team members when they are not being able to perform and involve the other members to help the player to perform well. Hence, this will create friendship among the players which gives synchronisation and co-ordination among them.
Team Building Model

3.3 Possible strategy to improve the effectiveness of the organisation

It has been analysed that Vodafone UK understand the importance and benefits of team work so they focuses on building small teams and distribute the work accordingly. According to them there are 6 benefits of team work such as

  • Nurture learning and creativity
  • Balance corresponding strengths
  • Build trust
  • Educates with conflict resolution skills
  • Encourages a broader sense of ownership
  • Promotes healthy risk taking,

They understand that a team works successfully when there is co –operation and trust among the team members. If there is no co-operation then, the chemistry between the team members will not gel well and there might be problems in synchronising the work with each other. To motivate the employees as team they also gives reward for a project basing on team performances so the team members works together to complete the task on time and with perfection and ultimately bags the rewards (Smith et al. 2014, p.241).

To encourage the team members the manager should keep on updating the team players with recent changes and implementation in the work. He should assign each of the employees a vital piece of connection. Reinforce the contribution of every member contribution and acknowledge their hard work. The manager should repeatedly remind their team members about the goal so that they don’t get deviated from their objectives (Merrow, 2011). It is one of the key responsibilities of the managers to guide and walk a team through a constructive process rather than a destructive process.

Task 4

4.1 Factors involved in assessing the work performance

It has been found in popular news journals that some of the big companies offer attractive perks and incentives for a good performance (Aubrey, 2011).Vodafone UK practices the same theory of giving lucrative bonuses and incentives for a better performances. They even focuses of developing the skills of the employees instead of rating and ranking them. The manager’s talks directly to the employee if his performance bocks down and help them to improve their skills and abilities before it are too late. This UK based company doesn’t believe in sending 24 hours report of the employee performance in their mobile phones. Rather they try to educate the employee the mistakes they are committing so that they can improve on it (Barberis, 2011). The performance of the employees is judged on their achievements of gals with perfection and also some times by conducting healthy competition of completing a project in a stipulated time with perfection.

4.2 plan and deliver the assessment of the development

Employees are very sensitive so they need to be dealt tactfully so that they don’t feel demotivated and focuses on improving. In Vodafone UK they believe in the same strategy and implement the same at the work place. A manager scrutinises the performances of his employees on daily basis. Depending on the daily observation of work performance of his employee he evaluates the end results and takes out the performance of his employees (Peterson, 2011). If there is any area for the employee to improve the manger require to sit on a one to one discussion where he first tells the positive and good points in him and then goes to the negative part where he makes his employee aware of his performance and the areas to be improved . He guides him through the ways he can improve himself. To motivate him the manger also publicly announces the positive achievements of the employee (Davies, 2011). This technique of delivering the development needs of the employee boost their confidence to work better.

4.3 Evaluate the success of the assessment process

It has been seen in Vodafone UK that the process they follow to deliver the assessment report to the employee has enhanced his performances in future (Cobb, 2011). The technique of maintain the secret of his weakness by the manager has made him feel good and the public announcement of  his good work has boosted his confidence and brought a urge in him to perform well in the near future (Dodge et al. 2011). It has been proved that this technique of their have made the employee perform the best among the rest of the employees in the next assignment. The success of this technique has made them infamous among the employee as well as the employees working in other organisation (Schermerhorn, 2011).

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Vodafone UK is one of the leading telecom companies in the United Kingdom who has captured a major portion of the market with their excellent customer service and this has been possible for good techniques that the managers follow to promote the employees to successfully achieve the set target The employees are given the recognition on good performances along with good pay outs which motivate them to perform well in all the projects.  Because of the good team work Vodafone UK has successfully spread their Mobile networks all over the world.

Reference list

Aubrey, C., 2011. Leading and managing in the early years. Sage Publications.
Barberis, N., 2011. Psychology and the Financial Crisis of 2007-2008. Available at SSRN 1742463.
Brown, D.R. and Harvey, D., 2011. An experiential approach to organization development. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Cobb, A.T., 2011. Leading project teams: the basics of research project management and team leadership. Sage.
Davies, B., 2011. Leading the strategically focused school: Success and sustainability. Sage.
Dodge, M., Kitchin, R. and Perkins, C. eds., 2011. Rethinking maps: new frontiers in cartographic theory. Routledge.
Eccles, R.G. and Serafeim, G., 2011. Leading and lagging countries in contributing to a sustainable society. Harvard Business School Working Knowledge.