Agile Project Management in Travel and Tourism

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Agile Project Management in Travel and Tourism

MSc Project Management


Title: Agile Project management practices in travel and tourism industry

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Chapter 1: Introduction

1.1 Background

The development of technologies and increasing globalization have connected all the countries and created a global village. Travel and tourism are increasing day by day due to the increment in the population of the world and increment in the transfer of consumer goods and services. Due to the development of technology and cheaper prices of transportation, a massive population visits the different destinations of the world. Due to the increment in tourism, good development in the economy of different countries can be seen. The growth of complexity and volume in the tourism industry has produced a need for the development of the real tourist industry (Sofronov, 2018). Project management is an area of business management in which the project manager is responsible for the management of the project. With the help of project management, different organizations and firms can manage their work in different situations. Management of the project can help the company to reduce the mistakes ad delay in the work (Jena and Satpathy, 2017). Project management is referred to the planning, organization, and monitoring of the different project aspects for achieving all the objectives safely, in the success of the project, all the factors like project manager qualities, project team skills, and structure of the organization in which the project is carried out (Radujkovi? and Sjekavica, 2017). In the modern world, all the industries are experiencing the technological revolution, which will consist of cyber-physical systems, which will include big data, the internet of things, and cloud computing. For the effective development of new systems and management of the different industries appropriate method of project management is needed. In the classical project management methodologies, all the processes are complex and hard to change during the project period (Pajares, et. al., 2017). Agile methodologies are used in the world, and it is differentiated into 20 types. Adoption of the project methodology depends on the type of the project and the industry in which it is carried out. In a company, project management methodology is adopted according to the level of the employees. The project preparation phase is important after the employee analysis phase is conducted. After these phases, project methodology is selected. The agile project methodology is the most suitable project methodology, which can be changed according to the characteristics of the team, employees, and structure of the organization (Rasnacis and Berzisa, 2017). In the tourism industry, the hotel industry is very important, and the industry must make a successful project. The main reasons for the failure of the project are lack of motivation, lack of abilities, lack of perseverance, fear of incompetence, fear of unknown risk, and change target not being transferred. For reducing the risk of project failure, a flexible project management methodology should be used. All the processes of the company should be smoothly operated so that no failure can occur and no complaints can come from the guests and visitors (Turginbayeva, et. al., 2020). In the modern world, software development is accelerating day by day, so effective project management software is needed for completing all the requirements of the companies of the different sectors. Different companies are using modern software and techniques to tackle the different conditions in the firm. Agile knowledge management can be created for the organization, which can help the company in the growth of its products and services (Thomas, 2021). Travel and tourism industry firms have to manage the different tourists and resources for the effective operation of the business processes. Software is needed for the firm to manage all the visitors and records for providing effective services to the visitors and guests. Agile software can help the company to effectively change the strategies of the business management. This type of system can be useful in all the firms of the travel and tourism whether it is food or beverage company and transportation.

1.2 Problem statement

The travel and tourism industry consists of different firms, and all the companies work in a dynamic environment because of the different environmental factors and internal factors of the organization. There is a gap in existing literature as a lot of research has been focused on travel concerning management and its techniques, paying less attention to project management software with the travel and tourism industry. The tourism industry is facing challenges due to a lack of management skills, less standardized human resource practices, lack of workforce (Kulkarni and Modi, 2020). This industry faces issues due to the less flexible systems and dynamic nature of the industry, so agile project management software is needed for the firms of this sector.

1.3 Aim

The research paper aims at understanding the use of Agile Project Management software and tools within the travel industry and its contribution to the success of timely management of daily operations in the travel and tourism industry.

1.4 Objectives

  1. To understand the contribution of Agile Project Management in the Travel industry over the past few decades, focusing on benefits and constraints in using it.

  2. How project management software and tools help in reducing the turnaround time and helps in operations, planning, and monitoring of workflow.

  3. Analysis of various project management software’s that can contribute to the success rate and growth factor of the industry.

1.5 Research questions

The research in place aims to answer the following questions:

  1. What is the impact of agile project management in the travel and tourism industry?

  2. What will be the challenges faced when applying Agile Development principles?

1.6 Significance of research

This research work will provide a brief knowledge about the agile project management software and its use in the travel and tourism industry. In this research work impact of project management in the travel industry will be presented that will help the readers to know about the management in tourism. This research work will also provide knowledge to the readers about the need for agile project management in the travel and tourism industry. With the help of this research work, readers will gain knowledge about the challenges which can be faced by the different organizations during the implementation of the agile development principle. This research work will help the various firms to deploy the agile project management software in the workplace.

1.7 Structure of the report

In the first chapter of the report introduction of the research work will be presented, which will provide brief knowledge about the background, aim, objectives, research questions, and problem statement, along with the significance of the research work. In the second chapter of the research work, a literature review of the work will be presented for a brief explanation of the research questions and objectives. In the literature review, different articles and journals will be used. In the third chapter of the research work methodology of the research work will be presented to provide brief knowledge about the different methods and approaches of the research work. In the fourth chapter of the research work, a discussion of the work will be presented. In the fifth chapter of the research work result of the research will be presented. In the sixth chapter of the research, a work conclusion will be provided. The last section of the research work recommendation and references will be attached.

Chapter 2: Literature Review

2.1 Impact of Project management in the travel industry

The tourism industry has become the most important aspect for many countries as it has become the biggest social and economic factor for the development of many countries. According to Kuzumenko, et. al. (2018), the travel and tourism industry has been acting up a catalyst that helps make effective economic growth for the country. This is the reason that governments of different countries have been making efforts to create effective strategies and methods so that the tourism industry can be boosted up and help them even more, which help them in creating an environment where tourists will feel welcomed in the country. According to Khan, et. al. (2020), the tourism industry has played one of the biggest roles in developing the global economy. This is the reason that almost every country in the world work on improving the tourism industry so that maximum tourist can visit the country. There are different factors that can affect the tourism industry in both positive and negative manner. According to Jarvis, et. al. (2016), the main factor that attracts tourists to visit a destination is mainly because of the feature and hospitality of the country. Hospitality feature is the biggest factor that can affect tourism because if the author does not feel welcome in the country and the facilities that have not been great, that can affect the tourist visit rate. In the research of Ruan and Tian (2019), the tourism industry is very wide and this industry helps improve the country's global economy. As the world getting advance and with these changes, the tourism industry has also changed and currently, it has been associated with the dynamic and fast-changing business environment. This constant change and advancement in the world have created huge uncertainties in the businesses related to tourism. These uncertainties have also increased the risk to the whole industry, and this increase in the risk can affect the tourism industry. According to Hua (2016), these risks have completely affected the system's overall working, and the touring and travelling industry has been affected by them the most. This is why it is important for the tourist industry, which helps develop an effective understanding of the changes that will occur in the travelling industry and will help manage all the changes that have occurred in the system. The project management of the tourism industry helps in creating a comprehensive understanding of how to develop the strategies and methods to improve the overall working of the project management. According to Sofronov (2017), with this constantly changing environment, the tourism industry has been focusing on achieving sustainability because sustainable tourism can be used to define the improvement in all forms of tourism and tourism management so that the social and economic environment can be managed effectively and help them in developing an understanding about how to save the environment without the affecting the overall economy and social growth of the country. Countries like the Maldives and Thailand have built most of the economy by the tourism industry. Many countries where many per cent of the overall economy has been boosted from the tourism industry (Bunghez, 2016). In western countries like Germany, Iceland the governments have been developing different methods that have been used for the completed projects. Projectification is measured as the overall share of the project work from the total work. Project management help in developing strategies based on the size and structure of the industry (Schoper, et. al., 2018). This is the reason that for the management of the travel industry, project management strategies can be helpful in developing in a different way and manner. The current era is the digital era, which greatly impacts the travel industry. The increase in digital platforms like websites has made the travel of people to a different country a lot easier. According to the research of Al Shammare, et. al. (2019), the development of an e-commerce website helps tourists in planning their travel very easy and effective. As the use of the internet increases, the travel and tourism industry has managed to adapt its use in the organization, which help in developing an effective platform for the users to book the trip using a single platform. The issue that occurs with the use of online platforms is related to the lack of understanding about the factors that can be used for the success of an e-commerce platform. According to Miloradov and Eidlina (2018) research, the development of the tourism industry and the ease that digital innovation has increased the travelling of people to different places. However, the effective project management strategy helps improve the experience of the people and keep the economy of the country boosted and the environment safe. This is the reason that project management is the most important for any industry, including the tourism industry, and it helps in improving the functions and facilities of the industry. According to Ohlan (2017), there is a relation between tourism and a country's overall financial and economic growth. If the country has an effective tourism facility, then the financial development of the country improves, and it helps in boosting the economy. As time changes, the management process of the tourism industry also changes, and the requirement of the tourist also change. To meet the requirement of the tourist and improve the tourism industry, project management strategies are helpful in changing the strategies that help improve the tourism industry to improve the economy of the country.

2.2 Current issues faced by travel industry due to traditional method

The current issues that occur in the travel and tourism industry are related to nature. Different researches have been conducted on understanding what occurs in the tourism and travel industry and due to travel and tourism industry. According to the research of Sisneros-Kidd, et. al. (2019) the most recent challenges that have been identified and likely to occur in the tourism industry includes the change in the climate and some global changes. The tourism industry is one of the key factors for the social and economic development of the countries and nature is the biggest source of attracting tourists. In the last 4 to 5 years, tourism has increased a lot it is mainly because of factors like mobility, leisure and gaining unique experience (Milano, et, al., 2019). These factors are the reason that the tourism industry has significant growth, and it can affect the overall performance of the organization. This leads to occur in the "Over tourism", which defines the unwanted increase in the number of tourists visit to single-site again and again. This increase in the number of tourists increases the problem for the nature and the people living there as it can lead to change in the climate and increase in the vehicles which increase the pollution. As per the research of Gurtner (2016), the growth of the industry has changed a lot in the past year. This change has increased international tourism but the internal issues of any country have also affected the tourism industry. Countries like Indonesia, where tourists prefer to visit frequently, have faced depletion due to various internal issues like the bombing in Bali. So, the management of internal factors in the country is also important so that tourists can feel safe to visit.

According to the research of Kyrylov, et. al. (2020), apart from the damage to nature and problem that occurs due to internal issues of any country, the tourism industry also faces issue due to the global pandemic which has affected the tourism industry all over the world. This global pandemic has greatly affected the globalization process, and international tourism has been reduced a lot. This global pandemic has completely shut down international travel. Due to this many small countries have to face a decrease in their economy because international travel is important for the organization. According to Connell, et. al. (2015), tourism also depends on the season, which means that there will be a particular time when the rush of the tourist visit can be high compared to the number of people visiting throughout the year. This sudden increase in the visit of people to a place can affect the management of the country and due to which many tourists can face issues due to lack of management. The rush of tourists can be increased at any point in time for any special event like the Olympics or any other event. This is the reason that a country can face some mismanagement in their tourism industry which can create a problem for the organization. In the research of Li, et. al. (2017) there has been a comparison between smart tourism and traditional tourism. The methods that the government used to manage and improve their tourism industry cannot be helpful in the current environment. The management of the travel and tourism industry can be done by implementing different technologies and using project management strategies to make it smart tourism. Smart tourism is the concept or a system that can be helpful in making the tour of the industry smart and effective. According to Kaur (2017), the involvement of the new technology is important as time changes, and tourist wants a virtual tour before their actual tour. It means that tourists want to see the hotels and places before booking the trip, and this is why digital technologies come into action. The new technology helps the travel organization upload the information about the sites of different countries and the prices and accommodation details. This helps the people in planning their trip in a way that they want after doing thorough research before planning a trip. The traditional methods were not able to keep with the requirement of the people, and current people require a traditional platform where they can easily check and book their trip without going to any other place. According to Jovicic (2017), due to this lack of ability to satisfy the customer's needs, the new method is helpful in developing a platform for satisfying the customer's needs. This implementation of new technologies and methods can be helpful in solving different issues that can occur because of massive tourism. According to the research of Carr, et. al. (2016), This new technology can help develop new methods to achieve sustainability in tourism.

2.3 Importance and Use of Agile framework in project management

According to the research proposed by Loiro, et. al. (2019), including agility in the management of projects embraces the changes in the company in a very effective way and leads the organization towards development. Agility in a business firm is essential in various aspects, such as enhancing communication motivation for the employees to work with full potential and helps in the management of quality and satisfaction from the client. Loiro, et. al. (2019) also explained that frameworks of agile technology help in the ongoing project in the achievement of the goal and simplify the project's complexity. Mircea (2019) explained in the research model that IT market in a very effective manner after the implementation of globalization in the world and by supporting the research conducted by Loiro, et. al. (2019), stated that this change in the IT industry leads to modification in which the new technologies are taking the place of previous one and eliminating them or effectively. Mircea (2019) also explained that two major methodologies were used in this Agile technology: Scrum and Kan-Ban. Scrum is way more effective than Kan-Ban among both of these methodologies due to its faster decision-making process.

According to the study of Noteboom, et. al. (2021), agile methodology is more effective than the traditional techniques used in the management of any project. The traditional project management (APM) methodology uses the method of triple constraint, which consists of time, cost, and quality. In contrast, agile project management works on the iterative work approach which supports the rapid change in project management and provides sustainability in this challenging world. The APM helps a project in various aspects like in the facing of global competition, maintaining the demand from the side of the customer, and accelerating the rate of production in the project. The research conducted by Ismail and Mansor (2018) supports the study of Noteboom, et. al. (2021) and discusses the challenges and issues raised in the path during the management of the project with agile methodology. According to Ismail and Mansor (2018), a major challenge that occurs in the path of APM is the structure of the organization and the leading group of the project. By supporting the research Koi-Akrofi, et. al. (2019), also describes the issues in the implantation of agile methodology in project management; they describe that APM often fails at the time of complex decision-making part such as in health care, military actions, etc. Apart from this, one more major drawback of this methodology is the difference in the final product as in the starting. There is no proper plan made for the designing or management of the project. In the research of Sindhwani, et. al. (2019) discussed the effect of agile project management (APM) in the medical department and described that the health department is developing and implementing the technologies vastly as the demand is increasing day by day. This methodology is used in the health department to reduce the difficulties rising. The agile technology in the medical department helps in the enhancement of the department. It can be able to maintain the quality of service for the patients at an optimized cost.

2.4 Impact of Agile framework on the travel industry

2.4.1 Challenges faced due to Agile principles

The development of the software has increased, and the use of the agile framework is also increased, which means that the development of the software can be completed in an effective way. According to the research of Atzberger and Paetzold (2019), the agile framework has been applied for the development of the hardware-based product because of the benefits it brings, like volatile and uncertain. However, some complications still occur when the concepts of the agile framework are applied to the development of the hardware. The main problem that occurs with the use of the agile framework for the development of the hardware system is the complexity that occurs in the development. As per the research of Almeida (2017), there are different reasons that can be faced due to the development of the software using the agile framework. Traditionally, software development has different methodologies that have constantly been changing. Due to constantly changing and an increase in the demand of customers, traditional methods were not able to work properly. However, the migration process from the traditional method can be difficult, and when the transferring has been done to the agile framework, it can bring a lot of other challenges. The main reason because of which the challenges occur during the transferring of the data from one model to another is because of the difference in the working of models.

As per the research of Theobald and Diebold (2018), agile software is a very widespread method that can be used to develop software. The reason is that migrating to agile from any other system can be difficult. It is because of the difference in the interface of the agile framework and the non-agile framework. This is the reason that migration to the agile framework brings a lot of challenges and it can become difficult to adapt to the challenges. As per the research of Ozkan and Tarhan (2019), there is also issues related to the agile framework is related to the scalability challenges that occur for the agile framework and that can affect the understandability of the person. This is the reason that scalability challenges occur, and it is because of lack of understanding which affects its usability and decreases trust. This issue of scalability prevents the people from using it for the development of the software, and different agile framework also affects the overall ability to think and develop an understanding of the overall problem.

As per the research of Goel, et. al. (2020), the pandemic has to change the overall working of the industries. The travel and tourism industry are those industries that get affected the most are the tourism and travel industry. The organizations and industries related to tourism and travelling have to change their way of working so that the changes that pandemic brings can be adapted easily. The problem with the changes that pandemic brings is that the prediction of changes becomes difficult. The pandemic constantly brings new societal challenges, and adapting to these new changes can become difficult. According to the research of Murat (2016), the use of software has increased in the daily life of people, and this has changed the overall working ability of everything that has been using it. This increase in the use has also increased the demand for the new and optimal development method of software processes, which leads to managing the projects. The agile software is the method that can be helpful in managing the project and help in maintaining the quality of software and have the ability to match the requirement of the people. The travel industry has the highest requirement. The agile framework can solve the issue, but it is difficult to adapt the agile framework, and that can affect the working of the software, so agile can be helpful. Still, it can create the problem if it doesn't adapt properly.

As per the research of Oueslati, et. al. (2015), there are different sets of challenges that are associated with the use of the agile development approach and that are mainly because of the lack of understanding. This lack of understanding about the agile framework can effectively affect the overall working of the agile framework in software development. The availability of the agile framework can affect the overall working of the software if did not adapt effectively, as it can completely ruin the understanding of the managing software and can affect its overall working. According to Heijden, et. al. (2018), all the challenges that occur with the agile framework use the biggest challenges: its lack of security. There are different studies that have suggested that the agile framework lack behind in providing security to the software. In the current era, cyberattacks have increased a lot, which can affect the overall working of the software and steal the overall data. This is the reason that it is important to install an additional security framework that can improve security. It is helpful for the travel industry because of the increase in the development of e-commerce tourism websites. The agile software needs to work effectively so that it can remain secure. As per the research of Singh (2015), the change in the environment has increased the demand of using agile software because of its ability to make the software dynamic and easy to change, but it travels industry the competition is very tough and agile framework can be helpful in making the working effective. It can only work effectively if it is implemented successfully. If not, it can affect the integrity of the overall website or the software that is going to be used.


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