Cross-cultural management can be defined as a study to management people in the cross-cultural context. Basically, cross the cultural study includes the study of influencing the social culture of mangers and management practices (Boussebaa, 2020). The study can also involve the study of cultural orientation a profit-or non-profit organisation of individual manger and other organisational personals. Study on cross-cultural management can help the managers in a business organisation to interact, observe and deal with the personals from different cultures. Cross-cultural management can be considered as an important study for the managers of business organisation as most of the businesses across the world have become global rather than regional or national as they were in previous decades (Jackson, 2019). The report will go through an analysis of the ways, how the newly sent managers and engineers as expatriates for the host country of the project. The project can be benefited by the presence of Jones who can act as a significant aspect for advising them about the Tanzanian culture can Jones make the construction of the HG power plant project successful.
Topic 1: Organizational culture
Internal values and behaviours in a profit or non-profit organisation can collaboratively be defined as organisational culture. Experiences of the individuals in an organisation, their ways of thinking, their beliefs and their future expectation are included in organisational culture. Intuitiveness with the repetitive habits and the emotion-oriented responses of individuals in a business organisation also reflect the whole organisational culture (Warrick, 2017). Organisational culture can play a significant role in the growth of the nation’s economy where the business is based and serves. Presence of an effective organisational culture is important for any business organisation as break down of the boundaries between the solid items, guidance for an effective decision making and improvement of the overall workflow are influenced by the culture in an organisation.
Considering an example form the given case study on Hydro Generation organisational culture, it can be said that the organisational culture of the company can prove to be effective for the existed and newly recruited employees for the power plant project as the newly arrived people at Tanzania can face problems to observe the culture of Tanzanian people. . The reason behind the effectiveness of the organisational culture is that the CEO of Hydro Generation, Lawrence Bertelet being a manager believed that all the subordinates that are and will be associated with the organisation should be given with the full rights for evaluating and implementing decisions for the business and their contributions should be accountable for the success of any project of the organisation. Therefore, an inclusive type of work environment has been seen in the working environment of Hydro generation. Moreover, the company specifically for the establishment of a power plant project at Tanzania preferred to engage local people of Dar es Salaam, where the power plant has been planned to be established.
Relevant theories that link to the two issues and this topic
Hofstede’s country comparison can be defined as the framework which is developed by Greek Hofstede’s. The framework is used when an individual or a group of people try to understand the differences between the different culture of different nations. It is mostly for business organisations to discern different business processes successful in different nations.
Figure 1: Hofstede’s Five dimensions of national culture
(Source: Influenced by de Mooij, 2017)
As the theory suggests, making the establishment of the power plant and Tanzania, following are the dimensions that are needed to be considered by the leader of the project Brett Jones and other individuals associated with the project successful.
Table 1: Hofstede’s Five dimensions of national culture
Trompenaars the basis of cultural differences
Trompenaars can be defined as a framework which reflects the way of communication in the cross cultural environment and it can be implemented in general business and management.
Figure 2: Trompenaars the basis of cultural differences
(Source: Fandrejewska and Wasilik, 2018)
According to the theory of Trompenaars, following are the dimensions which can be considered by the Brett Jones and other individuals associated with the project to observe the culture of the Dar es Salaam where the power plant is going to be established:
Table 1: Trompenaars the basis of cultural differences
In order to make the establishment of the power plant successful at Tanzania, the leader of the project plan Brett Jones can observe the etiquette of the local people of the site first. Moreover, the individuals need to enhance active listening skills among them and wrote down the observation about the tradition of Tanzania. Moreover, make the establishment of the power plant successful avoiding the consequences from the local people of dare s Salaam, all the communications with the local people of Dar es Salaam should be kept simple.
Topic 2: Leadership
Leadership can be defined as an art which can be enhanced within an individual’s to motivate other individuals to achieve a common goal. In other words, leadership in a business organisation can be defined as a process to direct individuals to meet with the requirements of the organisation with the support o an effective business strategy (Daniëls etal., 2019).
Establishment of the office and provide a way of communication to the foreign employees
Considering an example of leadership from the case study it can be said that as Brett Jones was chosen as the leader for the establishment of the power plant at Dar es Salaam village of Tanzania. Taking clearance for the incoming goods, through customs, taking permission for the immigration of the foreign personals that will be in Tanzania for the completion of the project, overseeing the logistics of material gathering from the airport of dare s Salaam to dam site, keeping proper inventory and keeping the records of accounting were also the responsibility of Brett Jones being the leader of the project (Barrett, 2020). As he was aware of the politics, culture and economy of the country very thoroughly, therefore, he was also responsible to provide the arrived foreign employees of the company there with the details about the necessary information to make them effectively contribute in the fulfilment of the project plan mitigating all the possible consequences.
Relevant theories that link to the two issues and this topic
Based on the issues identified from the given case study, the following are the leadership theirs that can be adapted and implemented by Brett Jones to mitigate the risks associated with the establishment of the dam, at Tanzania:
Transformational leadership
Transformational leadership theory can be defined as an approach which can be implemented in a business organisation to bring change among the individuals engaged with the organisation and in the social system of the organisation. Transformational leadership enhance values and positive changes among the individuals in a business organisation and can also lead them towards leadership from being followers only (Hoch et al., 2018).
Transformational leadership can be implemented when there is a requirement in an organisation to increase the motivation and morale level among the employees. The intension to increase the motivation and moral level of the employees are enhanced by the leaders in a business organisation.
Figure 3: Transformational leadership theory
(Source: Influenced by Turnnidge and Côté, 2018)
In order to mitigate the issues associated with the leadership, Brett Jones can enhance the concept of idealised influence within him. Enhancement of idealised influence can make him making the existed and the other newly hired employees from the local area of Tanzania follow the vision of the Hydro generation behind the establishment of the power plant at Dar es Salaam (, 2020). In order to make the establishment of the power plant successful and to enhance sustainability in the operation there the leader, Brett Jones can try to communicate with the local employees of Tanzania to inspire them and to make them taking inspiring actions for the business. In order to make the leadership behind the establishment of the power plant successful,
Brett Jones can influence the engaged personals there think out of the box, challenge the assumptions and enhance innovation. This feature of leadership can be defined as Intellectual stimulation: Individualized concern acne b defined as another leadership approach which can be enhanced by Brett Jones within him which can make him show care and concern to the employees there to gain all the employees in his side behind the succession of the project plan and to mitigate the risks associated with employee’s health and safety (Garcia-Guiu ertal., 2016). The inability to create and maintain a good work culture as well as relationship among the staffs can hamper firm’s image not only among the rivals but also among the competitors. Less or no interaction among the staffs and the local people hamper the effectiveness of the work. It may happen because of lack of goals resulting in decreasing performance along with dissatisfaction among the staffs. Therefore, clear guidance and interaction can help to improve goals within a set time.
Leader-Member Exchange Theory
Leader-Member Exchange Theory can be defined as a framework which can focus on the relationship between the leaders and the other lower-level employees in a business organisation (Lloyd et al., 2017).
Leader-Member Exchange Theory is applied within a business organisation when the higher authorities of the organisation examine the leadership performances (Megheirkouni, 2017).
Figure 4: Leader-Member Exchange Theory
(Source: Influenced by Lloyd et al., 2017)
The staffs are crucial for the better progress of an organisation in several situations as the former help the later to acquire success by making a new place as well as value for long. However, bad working environment and mistrust among the staffs can lead to decrease in performance. It even becomes difficult to complete a work in time resulting in losing customer satisfaction.
Following are the ways; the theory can be implemented to make the leadership approach of Brett Jones more effective during the establishment of the power plant dam at Tanzania:
Identifying the outgroup of the company in Tanzania
Re-establishing the relationship between the leaders of different organisational processes and the existed and newly engaged local employees of the organisation there that are associated with the power plant project.
By providing all the new employees Tanzanian emp0loywees enough training and development opportunities (Yu et al., 2018).
In order to prove himself as an effective leader for the establishment of the power plant dam at Tanzania, the leader of the power plant repoject6 Brett Jones can enhance more amount of technical skills within him. Being a leader in a foreign country, more effective emotional and cultural intelligence needs to be enhanced by the leader Brett Jones. In order to enhance an open communication with the newly engaged local employees of Tanzania and to communicate openly with the local people there to gain their support enhancement of increased am0ount of soft skills, self-management abilities, the capability to build a relationship with more people is necessary for the leader Brett Jones.
Topic 3: Motivation and HRM
Motivation can be defined as a procedure by which human resources in a business organisation can be energised, directed and sustained. The process of motivation is mainly covered by the human resource department in an organisation to make all the organisational employees focused and improved on the continuously on their designated job roles.
The high demand of the newly recruited employees
In order to give an example of the issues faced by the management and the leader Brett Jones during making the operational processes at the established plant dam regarding the motivation of human resources. It can be said that the company can face problems with the high demand of wages and salaries of the employees from the local area of Tanzania. Moreover, the tribal rituals and the lifestyle of the employees can arrive as a significant factor to concern as the organisation aims to make the lifestyle of the employees more standardised being a part of a prosperous internal business organisation.
Relevant theories that link to the two issues and this topic
In order to mitigate the issues associated with the lifestyle of the human resources and the increased amount of salary demand of the employees, following are theories that can be implemented by the human resource department of the organisation at Tanzania:
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs can be defined as a framework which can provide the human resource department of a business organisation an argument about the series of needs of its employees. It can provide the human resource department with the way they can provide priority to the employee's needs before focusing on something else. Maslow's hierarchy of needs is mainly applied by the human resource department of a business organisation when the organisation plans to enable the highest level of excellence and financial success for the business.
Figure 5: Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
(Source: Soni and Soni, 2016)
In order to mitigate the issues associated with the motivation of the employees at Tanzania, the human resource department of the hydro Generation needs to consider the Physiological requirements of its employees there which can include their different types of biological requirements such as the requirement of food, drinks, clothing and many more. After satisfying the physiological needs, the human resource management personals need to focus on the safety requirements of the employees providing them with all possible method for their security and safety at the work premises. After that, the HRD of the Hydro Generation can focus on the love and belongingness requirements of the employees to make the project successful (Oved, 2017). In the end, the HRD should give priority to the esteem needs and the self-actualisation needs of the human resources at Tanzania to make them more focused towards the goals of the organisation and their designated tasks during the construction of the power plant dam.
Herzberg's two-factor theory
Herzberg's two-factor theory can be defined as a theory of motivation which can make the employees' in a business organisation spate out the job satisfaction and dissatisfaction of job. The theory suggests the human resource department in a business organisation that employees in an organisation can work independently. The theory is applied mostly by the business organisation when there is a need for the management to identify the factors that are causing satisfaction and dissatisfaction art the workplace regarding their job roles.
Figure 6: Herzberg's two-factor theory
(Source: Alshmemri et al., 2017)
Motivating factors
In order to motivate the employees effectively towards their designated tasks, the management must give a sense of achievement to them and recognise their work performances. The management should provide specific responsibilities to all the employees there and force them to work on their own. Based on the performances of the employees, the management of the Hydro Generation can provide the employee's opportunity to get promotion and growth being a part of the organisation (Alshmemri et al., 2017). Better encouragement, work initiatives as well as proficiency in the workplace can inspire the staffs to improve bad work culture while making a better relationship with management staffs.
Hygiene factors
In order to make the employees effectively motivated towards their designated tasks, the management of the Hydro Generation should ensure that all the employees at Tanzania are aware of the company policies and effective supervision of their work are organised by the management of the organisation. Absence of better training and learning skills may decrease the efficiency and effectiveness of the staffs of Tanzania badly resulting in decreasing success. Hence, it is essential to provide right skills to increase success and proficiency efficiently.
In order to motivate the employees of Tanzania towards their designated tasks, the management of the organisation can start giving incentive to the employees there based on their work performances. Building trust in the organisation should be on the focus on the human resource department and the management needs to be transparent. Brett Jones should motivate the employees individually rather than in teams.
From the above-discussion, it can be concluded that the presence of effective leadership is mandatory to make the establishment of the dam power plant dam successful at Tanzania. In order to observe the cross-cultural environment, it is necessary for any business organisation to have personals with emotional and cultural intelligence. Implementation of the above-discussed theories can prove to be effective for the Hydro Generation to observe the cross-culture of Tanzania, to lead the newly employed personals effectively and to motivate the employees there towards their designated tasks in an effective way. Motivating the employees towards their designated task during the establishment of the power plant dam at Tanzania is considered to be an important criterion by the leaders. As the theory suggests, the human resource department of the Hydro Generation can consider the factors associated with the motivation in the categories explained in the study. Undertaking final decision for the staffing the operational phase of the project, organisational culture of yht6drogenration, leadership and motivation and HRM that will be suitable for efficient completion of the project plan has been considered as the major three topics that are going to be discussed in this individual report. The report is focused on the recruiting practice of Brett Jones and the suitability of his leadership style, that can bring success in the Hg’s project to establish a major Dam in Tanzania.
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