School of Business Law and Computing
Bucks New University
BM634 Dissertation
The influence of parenting style on early age children's development in the nursery in UK
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Executive summary
The report has discussed the background of the topic and understood the industry background. It has studied the rationale of the topic to understand it closely. It is had discussed the aim of the research and also understood the objective of it.
1.1 Background to the research topic 4
1.4 Research aims and objectives 5
1.6 Structure of the dissertation 6
Parenting style may be defined as the constellation of attitude and pattern of parental authority towards children who are contacted with the child. This creates the emotional context for the expression of parent’s behaviour. Parenting style differs from parenting practices which characterises the parent in the eyes of the child. It is considered to provide an emotional setting for the interaction between the parent and the child. As children move in to school the peer and community context the parent and child relation go through a change. If the child is goring independently that means the parents deal with issues regarding internet access and mobile phones and so on. A major change in the family situation such as a high rate of divorces or maternal employment can positive and negative for children. The parenting style influent can also be observed in the education of young children and their behaviour. Negative parenting might result arising issues such as aggression and lack of study. It might also result in substance abuse during their teenage years.
The research that is conducted is based on the impact of parenting style on the early age development of the children in Nursery in the UK. The parenting style plays an important role in shaping the personalities of the children. It has been noticed over the year that certain children were exposed to inappropriate environments and ended up ruining their future. On the other hand, the children who are raised under an appropriate parenting style grow up to become effective personalities. Therefore, the parenting style influence adolescent development and the individual personality. It has been noted that there are six types of parenting styles such as attachment parenting, helicopter parenting, permissive parenting, authoritarian parenting, authorities parenting and uninvolved parenting. Each style has its character and impact on the child.
In the UK, the nurseries work in the Early Years of Foundation Framework. In Wales, the nurseries work towards CIW’s requirement and the foundation phase curriculum. Playgroups and preschools offer care and providing education to children between the age of 2to5 to years. The nurseries are usually organised by keeping the age of the children in mind and spilt in rooms for different aged children (Pacey, 2022). In England, all children of the age of 3 and 4 years old are entitled to 570 hours of free education or childcare (GOV.UK, 2022). There are some 2 years old while are also considered to be eligible for the same. Over the period from 2004 to 2017 the proportion of receiving childcare has increased from 47% to 61%. It was also noticed that there was an increase of 55% by the year 2008 that fell to 45% in the year 2011 (Hope, 2018).
The issue that is identified in this research is that of parentage style and its importance in a child’s life. It is aiming to closely understand the impact of parenting style on the development of the child and shaping their personality. There is clear evidence that the parents do influence the children. Studies have found a connection between the way parent treat their children and the way they turn out. The studies suggest that the relationship is weak and is proven difficult to replicate. The influence that parents have on the children is infant great and must not be treated lightly.
The issue that arises due to the lack of proper painting style is a behavioural issue in children. The importance of parenting style has an impact on aggressive behaviour in children (Masudet al., 2019). Another issue that arises from poor parenting style might be cyber aggression and cyber victimisation. Affection plays a role in protection against the children’s online and offline participation in violent behaviour (Moreno–Ruizet al., 2019).
The following research is being performed to understand closely the impact of parenting style on the development of children at an early stage. It is crucial to determine the situation and issues faced by the children at a young age. This is because it shapes the personality of the children at every stage of life. This research will provide the parents with a chance to improvising their chances to change their method of parenting. Through this research, both the children and the parents will be benefited. The following research is going to provide appropriate stargazes that will help in understanding the right parenting style to be adopted. This research will help in understanding the issue that is faced by children from an early age.
The main aim of the research is to analyse the parenting style on early age children’s development in the UK.
The research objective is:
To identify the pros and cons of the parenting style on the early age children’s development in the UK
To analyse the role of parents in the overall growth and development of early age children
To suggest recommendations on improving parenting style to ensure better age children’s development.
What are the pros and cons of parenting style on early age children’s development in the UK?
What is the role of parents in the overall growth and development of children?
What the parents can do to improve the parenting style to ensure better early age children’s development?
Chapter 1 of the dissertation has been discussed the background of the research. It has also understood the aims and objectives of the research. This has also understood the industry background that includes the nursery education of the UK. In chapter 2 the literature review of the research project will discuss the advantages of the parenting style and their disadvantages. It will understand their bath early age children’s development in the UK. This will also discuss the role of parents in the overall growth and development of children. Father in chapter 3 research will declare the methods that have been used to conduct the research.
GOV.UK, (2022) Find Free early education and childcare Available at:,Scotland%2C%20Wales%20and%20Northern%20Ireland. (Accessed: 09 March 2022)
Hope, M., (2018) Demand for childcare in London - drivers and projectionsAvailable at: (Accessed: 09 March 2022)
Masud, H., Ahmad, M.S., Cho, K.W. and Fakhr, Z., (2019). Parenting styles and aggression among young adolescents: a systematic review of literature. Community mental health journal, 55(6), pp.1015-1030.
Moreno–Ruiz, D., Martínez–Ferrer, B. and García–Bacete, F., (2019). Parenting styles, cyberaggression, and cybervictimization among adolescents. Computers in Human Behavior, 93, pp.252-259.
Pacey, (2022). What is nursery? Available at: (Accessed: 09 March 2022)