Career Development Plan

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Career Development Plan
Career Development Plan


Career Development Plan

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Table of Contents

Essay 2

References 9



This is a written list which includes short and long-term goals that employees are pertaining to achieve in current as well as for future jobs, along with formal and informal working experience in order to assist the individual in attaining objectives. This report discusses the career development plan of an individual which includes personal skills, areas of improvement, opportunities as well as threats of an individual. The report will also discuss the strategies which can help in building brand and developing career, that are drawn from the concepts, materials as well as the theories which are covered in this subject.


The brand strategy discuses in assessment 1 is ‘Fruity juicy juice’ helped me in different aspects in terms of knowing areas for my personal growth. This is a juice made with three different fruits, such as pomegranate, apple, and mango, the target market will be the 5-33 years age group people who love to have fruit juice for a healthy life. In building a personal brand there are lots of essential elements that can help me in improving myself. Elements include social networking, video, and photo sharing on different social media platforms, social bookmarking, offline networking, social rankings, personal blog, microblogging as well as a social objective. With respect to this the learning received will be described further.

Learning about yourself from course

Form the course, I have learned how to analyse and identify myself in effective manner as it helps me in identifying my skills, motivation power, efficiency in a proper way. While learning self-determination theory and self-efficacy, I have identified my skills such as communication, leadership, data analytics, project development, time management, software development, collaboration, emotions as well as habits. Thus, the course influence and motivates me to enhance my skills in an effective manner as it helps me in career development as well as in personal growth.

In addition to this, course also helped me in learning how to represent myself in front of others in a proper way by learning about the identity and self-concept. From the wellbeing wheel activity, I have learned how to manage the work life balance between the professional and personal life in effective and efficient manner. Thus, it is very important for individual to balance his life as it cures many health issues.

Furthermore, with emotions, resilience and impostor syndrome classes, I learned how to control the emotions in the workplace if in case any unpleasant situation occurs as well as how to manage with diversity at working environment. In addition to this, form the goals lecture, I have learned about how goals are developed, intention action gaps as well as how to reduce the gap, as this help me in identifying my goals as well as objective and building some strategy which helps in reducing or overcoming the gap arising in achieving goals in effective manner.

Plan to change career and developing a career based on this course

Previously I was thinking that as I am not very extrovert so I should prefer playing a role at operational level where there are less need to communicate but through the course, I have changed my mind and get inclined towards role like project manager, marketing manager. As per the learning received from the course, I plan to focus on enhancing my leadership skills, communication skills, project management and time management skills (Gould 2017, pp. 489).


Figure 1: Skills to Enhance.

Source: (Author 2020).

In order to develop and change my career, I would focus on enhancing my leadership skills effectively and efficiently. For this, I concentrate on taking initiative, critical thinking, motivating others that will show how efficient leader I can be. Along with this, I should focus on handling conflicts, being in discipline by soliciting feedback. This is how this leadership skills help me as somewhat it helped me while I was doing Fruity juicy juice project.

I would like to enhance my project management skills, knowledge, which can help me when I will lead a project and I came to know this better through this course. It is required to be effective in managing resources in business organization in order to handle a project effectively (Bulilan 2020). Thus, in order to improve this skill, I will take a project management course and learning. Also, I should focus on prioritising my tasks with a project schedule, being proactive and effective in communication in order to manage people. In order to enhance this skill, I am focusing on leadership skills, effective communication, risk mitigation, negotiation skills, team management as all these skills help me in improving my project management skills. The upgraded me with project management skills help me in any brand project like Fruity juicy juice in effective manner.

Along with this, I will improve time management skills as this helps me in completing my works on time. In order to improve this, there is a need to use some strategies such as listing all tasks by starting my day, minimizing interruptions, scheduling tasks with their deadlines along with their priorities (Engel et al. 2017, pp. 122). With these skills I can manage a brand effectively.


Figure 2: Key elements of time management

Source: (Author 2020).

Another skill I have to develop is communication skills. In order to enhance this, I am concentrating on my listening skills as it helps me in properly giving an effective answer. I am also focusing on my body language which will boost my confidence as helps in effective communication. Being brief and specific is also supports me in communication. In addition to this emphasis on maintaining eye contact, developing listening skills, take time to respond, and making effective responses.

Plan for sticking on career development plans.

In order to have significant results it is important for me to stick on the plans which I have made. With respect to this, I have kept it in written form and pasted it on my front desk. It so that I can bring back my focus on my goals and track them easily if I get diverted. My goals are to improve my leadership, communication, project management and time management skill in an effective manner. Along with this, I have set my deadlines for attaining my goal as I can learn leadership skills in 1 year, communication skill in 6 months, project management skill 3 years whereas time management skill in 2 years in effective manner. Thus, these strategies and career development plan help me in focusing on brand strategy in effective manner (Akkermans & Tims 2017, pp. 168).

To stick to the career plan, I will keep an alarm for every task and goal which I want to achieve. I need a person to take follow up with me about my goals. In professional life, it can be tutor, career guidance whereas in my personal life I rely on my friends, roommates, and my family to keep me directed towards my path and poke me if I diverted. In addition to this, I focus on my vision as it helps me in sticking to my career development plan in an effective and efficient manner.


Figure 3: Plan stick on career development plans.

Source: (Author 2020).

Plan to better manage your emotions and wellbeing

The emotional health helps me in work productivity as well as help me in coping up with everyday life stress. It is very important for an individual to manage wellbeing as well as their emotions at the workplace.

In order to control my emotions at the workplace, I need to focus on avoiding the unpleasant situation as I can walk away from that situation or express my feeling later after getting normal. I should also focus on managing anger and striving balance. One should aware of his emotions and reactions for handling the situation (Netemeyer et al. 2018, pp. 68). So, I should focus on what makes me sad, frustrated, or angry and I will try to address these emotions effectively. Along with this, I can increase my circle of friends who can support me and I can move to improve my mood and lessen anxiety as the positive connections help in improving mood. However, in order to reduce stress, I can eat and drink healthy food, as I enjoy my food and it diverts my mind.


Figure 4: Strategy to manage emotions and wellbeing

Source: (Author 2020).

I should also focus on doing meditation and yoga in order to reduce stress as this help in the movement of the body which is proven as a stress buster. In addition to this, I can concentrate on being positive as this helps me in controlling negative thoughts. I can also focus on good things in my life, as I forgive myself as well as others for mistakes that are made. By spending time with positive people, I can make myself feel positive. In addition to this, counselling, support groups, therapy, and medicines can help me in managing emotions in a better way. 

Plan to develop a work-life balance

The work-life balance defined as a state of steadiness where a person equally prioritizes the demands of their career with demands of personal life. Maintaining a good work-life balance is important as it helps in building healthy work environment. Thus, it reduces stress and prevents burnout in the workplace. With business work and personal life, I am facing various issues, and in order to maintain and develop work life balance I can use some effective strategies which can help me in balancing my work life in effective and efficient manner. Strategies can be prioritising time according to their urgency, importance in managing various tasks efficiently (Ricardianto et al. 2020, pp.399). I have to do job which I like as with a dream job I can give my best in productivity. I am also focusing on my strength as it helps me in reducing my stress and motivates me in effective working. Maintaining the successful balance between the goals point out that an individual should have flexible work schedule (Wynn & Rao, 2020, pp. 61-90). However, I am also focusing on being flexible with the various task assigned to me at workplace.

I am also focusing on making some time for myself, as it helps me in managing and matching the balance in effective manner. Thus, it helps me when any personal issue arises if I do not make time for myself and for personal life such as family or health, I will not have any business to go back to.


Figure 5: Strategies to develop work life balance

Source: Author, 2020

I should also have to set the working hours, a set work hour of each and every thing, it helps me in maintaining work life balance. With work life balances I can reduce my stress level at my work place and enhance my productivity with greater job satisfactions.

Plan to influence others as leader and as advocate of diversity and empowerment

There are five ways by which leadership can get more involved in supporting the diversity in workplace in effective and efficient manner. Frequently, the leaders think that a risk is too big and very great in order to get involved with the discussion of various diversity.

The leader can reduce and manage diversity by taking some effective steps such as by stop thinking about the diversity as buzzword, by building and creating effective culture of empathy and forgiveness. In addition to this leader can introduce the diversity part in their hiring process as they can give training and conduct program which tells about the diversity.


Figure 6: Ways leadership can involve

Source: Author, 2020

Leader can build, important connections in order to create effective talent pipelines in efficient manner and also focuses on examining various policies which helps in fighting systematise inequality. Leaders can also manage the diversity with effective communication as well as by giving the live examples in effective manner.


This report has discussed about all the element of career Development Plan which are important for an individual to focuses on it. In this report, it is identified that skills play a very important role as it helps in doing work in effective and efficient manner. This report has discussed about various plans which helps in enhancing career development plan in effective and efficient manner. It is also analysed that strategy can be developed in order to reduce issues or lacking with personal growth.


Akkermans, J & Tims, M 2017, ‘Crafting your career: How career competencies relate to career success via job crafting’, Applied Psychology, vol. 66, no. 1, pp.168-195, <>

Bulilan, RS 2020, ‘Awareness and Implementation of Career Development Plan towards Job Performance and Satisfaction of Employees’, <>

Engel, Y, van Burg, E, Kleijn, E & Khapova, SN 2017, ’Past career in future thinking: how career management practices shape entrepreneurial decision making’, Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, vol. 11, no. 2, pp.122-144, <>

Gould, J 2017, ‘Career development: A plan for action. Nature’, vol. 548, no. 7668, pp.489-490, <>

Kim, S & Shin, M 2017, ‘The effectiveness of transformational leadership on empowerment’, Cross Cultural & Strategic Management, <,5&as_ylo=2017&as_vis=1&scillfp=7064221303446992096&oi=lle>

Netemeyer, RG, Warmath, D, Fernandes, D & Lynch Jr, JG 2018, ‘How am I doing? Perceived financial well-being, its potential antecedents, and its relation to overall well-being’, Journal of Consumer Research, vol. 45, no. 1, pp.68-89, <>

Ricardianto, P, Ikhsan, R, Setiawati, R & Gugat, R 2020, ‘How to improve ship crew’s work effectiveness through the leadership style, work life balance and employee engagement in Indonesia national shipping’, Management Science Letters, vol. 10, no. 2, pp.399-410, <>

Wynn, AT & Rao, AH 2020, ‘Failures of flexibility: How perceived control motivates the individualization of work–life conflict’, ILR Review, vol. 73, no. 1, pp.61-90, <>