Organisation and Behaviour Assignment

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Organisation and Behaviour Assignment
Organisation and Behaviour Assignment
Organisation and Behaviour Assignment


Diploma in Business 

Unit Number and Title

Unit 3 Organisation and Behaviour

QFC Level

Level 5


Organization and Behaviour delves with the aspect of organisation and behaviour that is associated with understanding the relationship between organisational structure and culture, understanding different approaches to management and leadership, understanding the processes to use motivational organisational theories as well as understanding the mechanisms to develop effective organisational teamwork. Considering all these aspect, two famous organisations are taken into consideration are which are CAPCO and British Airways (BA).

Task 1

1.1 Compare and contrast CAPCO’s structure and culture with another organisation of your choice. Show the differences and similarities in these two organisations.

The organisational structure will encompass its cultural scenario, leadership style, internal and external environment and many more. Every company consists of a specific kind of structure for the organisation. CAPCO as well as British Airways (BA) are the two large organisations which are having a formal organisational structure and stringent rules that need to be followed. CAPCO’s hierarchical structure is considered to be formal as it possesses a simple chain of command and command-execution line. At CAPCO, there exists large number of employees who are reporting to more than one person. There is the presence of a multiple level of command stage and decision making stage. The main challenge that CAPCO faces is associated with the fact that the employees that are working together are on the same level irrespective of the hierarchy that they have. (Kotler, 2014)

In British Airways, there is the presence of a more official structure and also standard as because, BA is very large and there it is functioning all across the world. Moreover, the management tries to accelerate the organisational ability through the use of active circumstances for making decisions. It reduces the gap amongst the managers and the chief executives. The culture of the organisation is taken into consideration as the collection a shared thought-process, approaches and values. These factors can do strong navigation of the organisational employees in regard to the processes through which the work should be done. Culture also takes into consideration the internal environment and customs of the organisation that will have a very important function towards organisational success. (Lancaster, 2010)

CAPCO’s success is mainly influenced by the rich culture of the organization. It possesses a very effective cultural scenario related with employee empowerment in the organisation. It explains that various processes by which employees are helping their clients as well as the ways by which they are behaving with one another. CAPCO beliefs in the fact that every organisational stakeholder will be supporting the development of the organisation in the most important manner.

1.2 Explain how the relationship between CAPCO’s structure and culture can impact on the performance of its operations.

The structure and culture of CAPCO are the two major organisational factors for the achievement of success. The organisational structure for CAPCO are mentioned as under,

  • The behavioural aspect of a person is mainly depending on the organisational structure - There might be instances when the CEO of the company is not satisfied with the staff’s ability to perform, then he/she should try to follow the organisational structure. This has been proved that people will act in accord to the organisational ways where they work.
  • Employee empowerment and organisational performance – Employee empowerment is considered to be a very productive process for organisational success. CAPCO behaves in this way. They normally focus on empowering the managers at the lower levels that will ultimately ensure better capability to perform and do the improvement of client satisfaction. (Lancaster, 2010)
  • Impact of the structure and organisational performance – CAPCO tries to provide client service. To do that, it forms its organisational base in a way that will ensure frequent feedbacks to any kind of call from the clients. For improved communication and solution to the client’s problems, it possesses a friendly interface of customers.

There are some different outlooks that exists for the relationship amongst organisational culture as well as ability to perform that are as follows,

  • Effectiveness and culture – A common point of view depicts that the cultural scenario contributes a significant amount in respect of the organisational productivity. It should be stated that, there should be the consideration of an appropriate culture as the factor for comparison. The organisational culture of a particular company may not get acceptance in another company. CAPCO holds the cultural scenario in a way that will contribute towards efficiency and rapid work related success. (Kotler, 2014)
  • Strong culture, increased performance – There is the existence of a strong bond amongst strong cultural aspect as well as increased performing ability. It has been proved that efficient cultural aspect will lead to improved performance. For CAPCO, where there is the presence of increased competition and it is important to manage the clients, there is the requirement for a strong and cultural aspect that is associated with service.
  • Workforce diversity and change in culture – Workforce diversity and coping up with the changing scenarios are taken into consideration as major obstacles for the organisation that is functioning in various countries. To become successful, there is a major significance associated with the creation of an adaptive cultural scenario. The cultural need of CAPCO should be in relation to a culture that is adopted to have maximum flexibility in respect of rapid change.

1.3 Discuss the factors which influence individual behaviour in CAPCO or in any organisation of your choice.

The employees who work at CAPCO are there for receiving a fixed remuneration and other benefits. They are regarded as internal stakeholders as well. There is the requirement for a huge number of effective and efficient employees to carry out the organisational business in an efficient way. There is a variation in the salary structure according to the age, capabilities, qualification and type of work. (Kotler, 2014)

The issues influencing individual behavioural aspect for CAPCO are as under,

  • Job environment – The CAPCO employees will try to seek a very effective environment to work. Since, they are having a tough work schedule, they seek an interesting and comfortable workplace. It is regarded as a very important factor for the employee performance which will ultimately contribute to organisational performance.
  • Job security – The foremost need for the employees is to have security in the job. Without having it, they will not be able to operate quickly and peacefully. Employees should be aware of the level of security their jobs have. A job having better security reflects that the employees have very less opportunity of losing their jobs. As a result, they function in an effective manner and their performance capability starts accelerating.
  • Pay rates – CAPCO employees are having the need for a higher salary package. It is very reasonable that a higher salary package will motivate the employees all the time to work more efficiently. Better packages related to payments also states that the company is successfully running, for which they can offer better salaries to their employees. (Harrell, 2011)
  • Self-esteem – CAPCO employees are majorly technical employees. They possess an effective working knowledge compared to any other individual and they possess sound technical abilities in their specific working areas. It can be stated that the prime concern for these employees is not always earning more money. Self-esteem and an encouraging work business environment might be their major concern. When these employees at CAPCO are not given due respect, there might be the interruption of their ability to perform.

Task 2

2.1 Compare the effectiveness of the different leaderships at CAPCO and any other organisation of your choice.

CAPCO’s senior officials are committed to provide exclusive and enhanced services to the customers and to make the organisation a better place to work, CAPCO’s CEO tries to focus on the aspects that are considered to be of little significance, which will have a huge impact on the business. These focuses on scenarios that is unnoticed, which makes the employees to have a feeling of improved accomplishment and admiration.

  • The scenarios that are being concentrated upon are,
  • Equal opportunity to promote in relation to the individual quality of the employees. Leadership quality and fairness is the key to achieve success.
  • Empathetic and caring managers are provided with better accommodation and also better appreciation.
  • Every level of employee should be given respect and to make collective decisions are considered to be significant attributes for leadership at CAPCO.
  • To feel proud for working with CAPCO as a leader or manager. (Furnham, 2012)

Leadership is defined as the opportunity to transform a thought to reality. The leadership style is normally the approach that will be perceived by a leader to lead his employees. The leadership style that is prevailing in BA is regarded as supportive. BA is following the traditional leadership style that is being used for a long period of time which is highly concentrated, administrative, used to reduce response of the employees, neglect towards the junior employees and so on. This style of leadership has now been changed to a supportive style of leadership. In the supportive leadership style, proper mentoring is done related to career, training, which are considered to be the key towards employee satisfaction.

This leadership style will build an environment of trust between the employees and the management. At present, the managers possess the knowledge to communicate effectively with the employees as well as provide them the required motivation. They will allow the employees to develop a vision and permit the employees to use their individual opinion and cautiousness when they will take a major decision. Managers did the creation of a support system to get mutual support outside the formal organisational structure. On the other hand, the employees are needed to see the ways by which their work is contributing in respect of overall development of the company. (Harrell, 2011)

  • At BA, the leadership style and motivation follows the scenarios,
  • For motivating the employees to compromise their personal requirements towards the improvement of the organisation.
  • For creating awareness towards the importance associated with the goals of the organisation.

2.2 Explain how organizational theories (e.g. scientific management and human relations theory) have had influence on the practice of management.

Scientific Management Theory

  • This is the organizational theory that analyses and synthesizes the flow of work. Its main objective is the improvement of the economical effectiveness, especially the labour productivity in the workplace.
  • The influences of scientific management theory on management practice are as follows,
  • Employees are not being assigned just any type of work, they are provided with work that matches their job profile which depends on how much motivation they might have and how much capable they are, and then giving them the appropriate training to work for receiving maximum result.
  • The employee performance will get monitored and instruction will be provided and also regulations to ensure that they will be utilising the most effective working methods. (Frydman, 2013)
  • Appropriate allocation of work between managers and employees so that the managers will spend their time for planning and training, allowing the employees to perform their tasks in an effective manner.

Human Relations Theory

This is an organisational theory that is based on the researched belief that people are having the desire to be a part of the supportive team that will facilitate growth and development. Therefore, when special attention is provided for the employees and they are given adequate motivation to participate, they consider their work to be very important and they get inspiration for getting more productive that give rise to better quality of work.

The influences of human relations theory on management practice are as follows,

Basic aspects – It is regarded as an important scenario for human relations in the workplace in the functioning of a business. Employee should be functioning in a collective manner frequently related to projects, communication of ideas and to provide for the actualisation of things. When the culture of workplace is not having a stable condition, there might be the occurrence of various challenging scenarios both in the logistics for managing employee relation and in the lower levels. Businesses that have better workplaces and efficient workforce have the better ability of retaining as well as attracting efficient candidates, cultivating loyalty of the clients and quickly adapting the needs that should be met for a changing marketplace.

Improvement of retention – The quality for workplace relation is very important to retain the employees. The retention of the employees might be considered to have very less significance especially in a workplace having high turnover ratio, therefore, the managers should consider the fact that turnover is an expensive affair. Every new employee has the requirement to invest significant amount of time and energy in respect of their training and recruitment. (Furnham, 2012)

Motivation and Productivity – Workplace relationships provide a source of motivation for the employees that are important to maintain the productivity. Employees that have an interest in their work and welfare of other employees are basically more effective. This productivity will be providing considerable financial profit to the company.

2.3 Evaluate the different approaches to management used by CAPCO and your chosen organisation.

  • There is the existence of three kinds of approaches to management that are,
  • Active listening or passive management approach
  • Cultivating or capacity building approach
  • Steering or staging of high control approach

It can be observed that, CAPCO follows a participative working culture. There is the existence of no permanent line of command and employees are able to report to more than one individual line manager. Cultivating approach is taken into consideration as being that kind of approach that is associated with facilitative management that will rely extensively on personal abilities. (Clay, 2013) The approach will be identifying the need for external stimuli in having a better performing ability. The management approach that CAPCO is following is normally regarded as cultivating approach because of the following scenarios,

  • Identification of a particular community of clients that depends on local community
  • Explaining the particular scenario of crisis as well as solutions
  • Collective and associative activities.

BA on the other hand is following the steering management approach which is common in relation to specific and physical outcome based circumstances. The organisation has the knowledge that effective steering needs a lot of preparation and development guidelines. Proper planning methods and regulations that are predetermined are also considered to be important. (Fernando, 2011)

  • The main scenario of management approach that British Airways uses are,
  • Planning of project, objectives, processes that are mentioned in a clear manner
  • Assimilating the project development within the wide range of planning process
  • Need for specific task evaluation.

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Task 3

3.1 Discuss the impact that different leadership styles may have on motivation within period of change

The term motivation refers to the intensity, direction, initiation, persistence of individuals’ behaviour. Motivation is an idea or an initiative which is used for driving or encouraging the individuals in performing in better way. As the employees are considered as cornerstone in many organisation enforcing high morale, high self esteem are necessary within the employees to achieve the organisation’s mission and success parameter. (Almansour, 2012)  From the literature overview leadership has been seen as the personal capabilities to influence the people to achieve mutual compatibility objective. There are different leadership styles which are influences people within the organisation in different way. Leadership pay a key role in implementing motivation within employees. Leaders with their efficient leadership styles place motivation through proper communication within the employees or teammates. (Almansour, 2012)

Democratic leadership style: these leaders are place open approaches in the motivational perspectives. The leaders having this style of leadership motivate the employees by making the decision making process shared and the employees are encouraged to contribute in the team vision and the thoughts and views of team members are valued by these leaders. These approaches create belongingness within the employees. (Atwood, Mora, and Kaplan, 2010).  These leaders successfully motivate their employee though monitor their performances through close observations.

Charismatic leadership styles: motivational perspectives are higher in this leadership style than any other leadership. These leaders tend to place focus on creativity within the employees. These leaders are also called transformational leaders. These leaders are driven by their sincerity and commitment to their cause. As these leaders do not place focus on the process or structure productivity might be developed as per organisational vision. (Spar, 2016).

Autocratic leadership: these leaders are also known as the dictator leadership as they tend to focus on the policies and the process of the organisation. The leaders tend to monitor their employees and drive their performances through supervision. The strictness within the leadership style places negative impact upon the employee motivation. (Przybylski, Rigby and Ryan, 2010).

Laissez-faire style: this leader gives all the power and authority to the employees. The employees have to determine the goals and also solve the problems on their own. Through these kind of approaches employees can be empowered and responsibilities, loyalty can be placed within them. (Atwood, Mora, and Kaplan, 2010).

3.2 Compare the application of two motivational theories (e.g. Maslow’s & Herzberg theories) within organizational setting

People within an organisational setting have different needs and wants. Identifying these needs and requirements are necessary for the managers or leaders to place proper motivational theories in motivating the employees. These needs and desire direct the people towards the aims and objectives. By analysing these needs the managers or leaders can improve the productivity of the employees. (Schunk, Meece and Pintrich, 2012) There are different motivational theories on the motivational perspectives of employees. Among these two motivational theories are mostly approached by organisations. Maslow hierarchy of needs: according to Maslow there are hierarchy of needs in the desire of people. The lower needs take the priority while without fulfilling the lower needs the upper needs cannot be approached. He referred that the managers need to analyse the levels of needs of individuals. Maslow has defined five forces which impact over the desire and needs of employees such as:

  • Psychological needs
  • Safety and security needs
  • Love and belongingness
  • Self esteem
  • Self actualisation (Schunk, Meece and Pintrich, 2012)

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Maslow referred that the by achieving the basic level such as the physical needs of the employees they can approach the upper level of the pyramid which is the safety and security needs. Maslow referred that the higher order needs become operational by satisfying the lower order. (Lichtenberg, Lachmann, and Fosshage, 2016) Maslow also referred that different individuals are associated with different kinds of needs which can be analysed through the pyramid. Employee involvement in organisational functions by CAPCO is increasing the self esteem and self actualisation. (, 2016).

Herzberg theory: Herzberg theory of motivation has been based on the two factor model which refers that there are certain factors which invoke satisfaction and dissatisfaction within the motivation. The hygiene factors enforce dissatisfaction within the employees while motivational factors increase the motivation or satisfaction. He referred that all the factors of motivation can be operational at same time. CAPCO has to analyse the motivational factors for increasing the employee satisfaction such as, salary, rewards, security within the job etc. The management has been efficiently placing responsibilities and involve the employees in decision making in order to increase their motivational level. (Przybylski, Rigby and Ryan, 2010).

Model of Herzberg theory: 

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Similarities and differences between Maslow and Herzberg theories:

Both the theories bestow that an exact set of requirements must be met for influencing the behaviours and the performances of the employees and maintaining the state of motivation. Both models placed their importance on the achievements of needs to motivate individuals. Herzberg divided the needs within two categories- hygiene which is based on physical and psychological needs and motivation while Maslow divided the needs within five categories though placing the focus on the physical and psychological needs.

The main differences within Maslow and Herzberg is that the hierarchical model of Maslow has placed less concentration on the emotions and other feelings within the psychological needs while Herzberg placed focus on the concrete areas of psychological emotions. From the theories of Maslow the dissatisfying factors are not indentified while Herzberg clearly separated the dissatisfying factors and satisfying factors. 

3.3 Explain the necessity of managers to understand and apply motivation theories within the workplace

Through the application of the motivational factors within the organisation the management is able to direct the human resources towards the achievements of the organisational aims and goals. Managers place greater focus on the motivational factors in order to direct the employees towards better productivity and achievement of success factors. (Almansour, 2012) By increasing the level of motivation organisations like CAPCO has been trying to improve the standards of the performances and approaching the emerging trends within the market. The management of CAPCO is creating the formal team within the organisation to perform specific tasks which will meet the organisational goals. By enforcing innovations and creativity the management is placing greater amount of motivational perspectives in the management of human resources. The organisation has diversity within the human resources. The management of the organisation has been focusing on different motivational theories for motivating the diverse workforce and leads them towards greater quality in services. (, 2016).

Staff satisfaction: The managers have the key role to get the things done by the employees. In order to direct the people and encouraging them towards better performance the employees should be motivated efficiently. The motivational theories are necessary for the management to understand because through the motivational theories the management can be able to have understanding on different needs. (Almansour, 2012) By understanding the motivational theories the management of CAPCO can be able to guide the employees with efficiency. Management of CAPCO has implemented the Maslow hierarchical needs theory. Through this theory the management is able to identify proper satisfactory marks of the individuals. By meeting the levels of hierarchical needs the management of CAPCO tends to place better employee relation. As a result 85% of employees stated that they are happy and satisfied within the growth in career. Through motivating the employees CAPCO management has been broadening the employee skills and ability to achieve better standards. (Przybylski, Rigby and Ryan, 2010). As the organisation has been dealing with the challenging financial service industry, the changes within the business environment impact over the organisational performances. The CAPCO management by understanding proper motivational aspects of the individuals motivates them towards development of creativity and innovation. (, 2016).

CAPCO consists of Flatter organisational structure and employee focused culture. The employees feel empowered and motivated for these culture and structure. (, 2016).

  • Higher customer satisfaction: Through motivational theories the managers of CAPCO are also able to understand the satisfaction level and requirements of the clients and train or direct the employees in providing proper services for satisfying the customer. With the help of the motivational theories the managers of CAPCO can deliver services and attain high customer motivation.
  • Higher productivity: The managers of CAPCO need to understand the motivational theories and implement them within the work environment properly to increase the productivity of the staffs. As CAPCO has been dealing within the complex sector of finance services the employees of CAPCO have to improve their productivity with the changes within the market. Through motivation the managers of CAPCO are encouraging the employees to adapt continuous development to enhance their performances and productivity. (, 2016).
  • Higher commitment of staffs: Motivation theories are also helpful in engaging the staffs within the organisational core objectives. The managers by placing proper motivation can have higher commitment and engagement from the employees. It also results in lower turnover.
  • Lower absenteeism and labour turnover: Through the motivational theory implementations the behaviours of the employees can be directed towards the wellness programs. Through the motivation the absences of the employees can be reduced. It is also effective in reducing the office stress as well as reducing the costs for the absenteeism. Proper implementations of the motivational practices would help the managers to lower the absenteeism among the employees. (, 2016).

Task 4

4.1 Explain the nature of groups and group behaviour within CAPCO or your chosen organisation.

The theory of group can be defined as the combination of two or more persons. The groups are formed or developed to get proper of specified results with involvement of various skills and competencies. (Nagy, Akos, Biro, and Vicsek, 2010) The group consists of different members who have specific roles and responsibilities but the overall objectives are common. CAPCO organisation has the main focus on the group dynamics. They promote collaborative partnership within working environment.

There are different types of group based on their nature such as

  • Formal group
  • Informal group 

Formal groups: the formal groups are created by the organisation with the purpose to achieve special or specific tasks. The management of CAPCO create these kinds of groups and set predefined goals and targets for the group achievements. ( , 2016). The roles and responsibilities are fixed within this group. There are two categories of this group:

Command group: this group has fixed position within the organisational chart and is not temporary in nature.

Task group: this group is temporary in nature and have relatively small impact over the organisation. The planning of the command group has been executed by the task groups. (Nagy, Akos, Biro, and Vicsek, 2010)

CAPCO management has created larger groups which have formal structure and have co-ordinated roles and responsibilities. The smaller teams are accreted for having faster decision. Bas example they create rocket teams which consist of 3-4 people. These groups have the responsibilities to generate ideas. ( , 2016).

Informal groups: this kind of group is created by the members of the organisation. The group creation is based on interest and friendship. (Nagy, Akos, Biro, and Vicsek, 2010)

  • CAPCO has included the customers, employees, different stakeholders are combined to form interest groups. These groups are created on the share of benefits from the organisation such as services, salary, profits from the organisation. The friendship group is also created within the CAPCO environment by including all the employees of all levels of the organisation. (, 2016).
  • Group behaviour of these groups is based on the assigned works and behaviours or attitudes of the team mates. CAPCO’s flat organisation structure and employee oriented culture include creativity and innovation within the team development. CAPCO tends to build team with mix skills and abilities in order to increase the capabilities of groups. Proper roles and responsibilities assigned within the team mates. ( , 2016).

4.2 Discuss factors that may promote or inhibit the development of effective teamwork within CAPCO or your chosen organisation

Team work has been an important issue within the organisation to achieve improvements within the organisational performances. Without improved performances of the team the organisations like CAPCO cannot be able to fulfil the desired objectives. CAPCO has placed different employability skills and abilities within the teams. Collaboration within the teams and sharing of ideas are the main focus of development of teams within CAPCO. There are different factors which are necessary for the development of the team. (Friedkin, and Johnsen, 2011)

In CAPCO the development of team is driven by placing focus over the goal. The teams are developed and driven with common goals. The common goals and objectives are specified in advance while developing the team. In order to increase the efficiency of the team work the leadership, environment of working, culture and structure of the organisation are needed to be analysed.  (, 2016). Within CAPCO certain factors inhibit and promote the development of team work and its performances:

  • Communication: CAPCO management believes that the open line of communication has been necessary for the development and improvements of team working capabilities. Through different forums the team members are encouraged to socialise. Through these forums the team members input their ideas. (, 2016). The communicational channels are also increasing the interactions within the team members which are necessary for the team working.
  • Trust: through trust the CAPCO management has been implementing strategies ion the team work. The trust is also build through the involvements of the team members in the decisions making process and giving values to the employee ideas in the decision making. The management of CAPCO also empowered the team members and build collaboration within the team mates. (Friedkin, and Johnsen, 2011)
  • Culture and structure: the culture and structure of the organisation has been the main factor which inhibiting the team work in CAPCO. The employee oriented culture of CAPCO is encouraging the team building. Team working is the integral way of CAPCO operations. (, 2016).

There are certain factors which can inhibit teamwork:

  • Lack of communication: poor communication works as the barriers to the team working capabilities and make hurdles in the enhancement of the productiveness of the team. Without proper communication the staffs are unable to track the progress or implement the needed skills. This lack of communication can breakdown the team development. (West, 2012)
  • Unclear goals: if the goals or objectives are unclear to the individuals or members of the team the team cannot work with efficient manner. Unclear goals are also impact over the individual responsibilities. Without understanding the goals the team members are also unable to foster individual roles.
  • Lack of managerial skill: without proper managerial skills the team could not be directed properly. Without proper managerial skills the execution of the duties of the team could not be performed. (West, 2012)

4.3   Evaluate the impact of technology on team functioning within CAPCO or your chosen organisation 

The improvements and the inventions of the technologies are influencing the working as well as the performances of the organisations. Understanding the modern technological usages and implementing them within the organisation has been effective for the business. As CAPCO has been operating their business in the finance service sector the business of CAPCO has been impacted by the modern technology. (McLeod, Lucarotti, Hennigar, MacLean, Holloway, Cormier, and Davies, 2012.) The employees of CAPCO have been benefitted by the well established technology as they can develop more advance services on financial industry.

The CAPCO teams can be able to have better communication within the each other. Through the new technological implementations within the communicational channels the team performances can be improved. (, 2016). Through the groupware the CAPCO teams can have proper communication with each other and also share the knowledge and information through it. Placing modern technologies within the communication will also increase the efficiency in the customer relationships. (McLeod, Lucarotti, Hennigar, MacLean, Holloway, Cormier, and Davies, 2012.) Through including the new technology within the services CAPCO has been moving towards new service users while shifting from the research laboratory. Through adding social media the organisation has been placing integration within the approaches such as LinkedIn has been used over the communication purpose about the benefits of the Associative Talent Programme (ATP) and attract the applicants. (, 2016).

The technologies are also playing a large part within the training and development of the employees of CAPCO. As the organisation has been the dealing in the conflicting financial service industry the employees has to obtain current knowledge and skills along with rules and legislations of government. (McLeod, Lucarotti, Hennigar, MacLean, Holloway, Cormier, and Davies, 2012.) On this regard using the current technology has been efficient approach to provide proper information over current skills and knowledge. These technologies are also adding values in the customer services. Technologies can also impact negatively on the team work in CAPCO environment. Placing the higher communicational technologies within the team working can influence the privacy of individuals of the teams. The increased use of the online communicational methods hampers the privacy of individuals as they have to be present online groupware or in social media while being away from the office. (McLeod, Lucarotti, Hennigar, MacLean, Holloway, Cormier, and Davies, 2012.)

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Organisational behaviour is the study of the concept which has been based on the interaction within the people in groups, organisation. Different structures and cultures are incorporated within the organisational behaviours. The culture of an organisation has been impacting over the behaviour of the people. CAPCO has been following the flat organisational structure though in some projects the organisation uses hierarchical approaches. the employee orientated culture has been driving the motivation within the team work of CAPCO. Through the motivational theories and their implementations the managers of different organisations are directing the people of the organisation towards organisational success. In CAPCO’s success the team dynamics and the integral approaches towards team working have been playing a large role.


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Atwood, M.A., Mora, J.W. and Kaplan, A.W., 2010. Learning to lead: evaluating leadership and organizational learning. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 31(7), pp.576-595. (2016). Organisational in an innovative environment. [online available at:]. . (assessed on 15/7/16)
Clay, M. (2013). Sales Strategies for Business Growth. Thorogood Publishing
Friedkin, N.E. and Johnsen, E.C., 2011. Social influence network theory: A sociological examination of small group dynamics (Vol. 33). Cambridge University Press.
Frydman, R (2013). Rethinking Expectations: The Way forward for Macroeconomics. Princeton University Press.
Furnham, A (2012). The Psychology of Behaviour at Work: The Individual in the Organization. Psychology Press
Harrell D., G. (2011). Marketing Management.  Simon and Schuster Pub.
Lancaster., G and Massingham., L. (2010). Essentials of Marketing management. Routledge.
Lichtenberg, J.D., Lachmann, F.M. and Fosshage, J.L., 2016. Self and motivational systems: Towards a theory of psychoanalytic technique (Vol. 13). Routledge.
McLeod, I.M., Lucarotti, C.J., Hennigar, C.R., MacLean, D.A., Holloway, A.G.L., Cormier, G.A. and Davies, D.C., 2012. Advances in aerial application technologies and decision making support for integrated pest management.Integrated pest management and pest control. Edited by S. Soloneski and ML Larramendy. InTech Open Access Publisher, Rijeka, Croatia, pp.651-668.