Unit 4 Research Project Assignment on Customer satisfaction at RyanAir

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Unit 4 Research Project Assignment on Customer satisfaction at RyanAir
Unit 4 Research Project Assignment on Customer satisfaction at RyanAir
Unit 4 Research Project Assignment on Customer satisfaction at RyanAir


Diploma in Business

Unit Number and Title

Unit 4 Research Project on Customer satisfaction at RyanAir

QFC Level

Level 4

Task 1

1.1 Formulate and record possible research project outline specification?

Research title- "Customer satisfaction at Ryan Air"


Customer satisfaction helps to measure how the product or services of the company helps in satisfying the needs of the customer. In the present world customer satisfaction is the key to success of the business. The customer satisfaction is vital for the success and growth of any business.The Unit 4 Research Project Assignment on Customer satisfaction at RyanAir will help the management in identifying the reason of customer dissatisfaction. Customer satisfaction can also be used to measure how the supply of product and service meets the customer expectation. For satisfying the need of the customer the management will have to identify the need of the customer by using various methods. The management would make strategy for utilizing the current resources in satisfying the need of the customer. The management will have to regularly take action to indentify and satisfy the customer need. The research here is conducted for Ryan air which is an Irish company established in 1985. The company provides airline service both domestic as well as international level.  The company is famous for proving low cost flight service which facilitates the middle class people to travel abroad. The company despite of providing low cost services is facing the customer dissatisfaction which will affect the business in the long run. For identifying the need of the customer the research is conducted on students who very often use the services of the Ryan air.   BMI Airline  industry is most famous and requires huge focus on its customer.

Unit 4 Research Project Assignment on Customer satisfaction at RyanAir

Aim- The aim of the research is to identify the reason which is causing dissatisfaction among the customer of Ryan Air and to find the recommendation and solution of such problems. For this purpose the researcher need to identify the needs which help in attaining the customer satisfaction.

Statement of problem- Consumers are the most important part of the business. There is huge change in the needs of the customer with the passes of time. The management should make efforts to identify such needs and put the efforts in fulfilling such needs. The problem with the Ryan Air is that due to its low cost the company is attracting the lots of customers. The company is not able to provide quality service to its entire customer because of the limitation of the company resources. This creates dissatisfaction among the customer of the company.

Objective- The objective of conducting research on Ryan Air is –

  • To study the unit or services of the business which cause the dissatisfaction among the customers?
  • To know the problem faced by the customer while using the service of the business.
  • Identify the factors which cause dissatisfaction among the customer.
  • To find the measures to satisfy the needs of the customers.
  • Implementing the measures to satisfy the needs of the customer.
  • To draw effective outcome and recommendations of the problem.

Significance- The significance of conducting a  research project  is to find the reason for the dissatisfaction among the customers of Ryan Air. It will help the management to adopt the measures to satisfy the need of the customer.

Literature review

The company should consider the general needs of the customer for achieving customer satisfaction as the need of each and every customer is different from other. It is not possible for the company to satisfy the need of each and every customer. The management has to focus on satisfying the standard expectation of the customer. The need of the customers changes from time to time. With the change in time the new needs arises from the customer. In highly involvement decision it is very important to attain the satisfaction level. If the company doesn’t meet the expectation of the customer over the time it will lose its customer.  The key to provide excellent service is through understanding the expectation of the customer with the service. The comparison can be made between the customer expectation and the expectation which the company has met to measure the performance of the business.

There are many areas in airline where faulty process is leading to dissatisfaction among the customer which creates a negative image of the company. Complain handling is the most important part for a service industry. If the complaints of the customers are not effectively handle than the customer feels that nothing can be done so they avoid travelling with the company. It creates a negative image in the mind of customer against the company. Complain handling is the most effective way to achieve better customer satisfaction. (Daff, 2011)

Research methodology

The research method helps the researcher to draw a valid and informed conclusion over the research. The method which is followed to conduct the research on Ryan Air is as follows-

  • Database design- The researcher has used the various methods to collect the information from the students related to research program. The researcher has collected both primary as well as secondary sources for collecting the data. The primary sources generally includes questionnaires and interview whereas secondary sources of data are journals, articles or from the web. 
  • Measurement design-  Measurement design helps in measuring the performance of the data. The researcher can use different measurement design on the bases of the data type.
  • Nominal scale- The nominal scale is generally used by the researcher over the data on which the numerical comparison is not possible. Sometimes the statistical analyze of the data is of no use in those situation the nominal scale is generally used for measurement.
  • Interval scale – The interval scale requires the distribution of the data over the time for the purpose of making comparison. This helps in determining the outcome of the particular period which helps the researcher to draw effective conclusion over the data. For example the data on the period of the year   when the customer prefer to travel is distributed over time to find the period when the customer prefers to travel more.
  • Ratio Scale – The ratio scale is generally used when the comparison between the two factors is to be made. This helps in building effective relationship between the data to draw a valid conclusion. For example the comparison between the two units of the Ryan air can be made to compare the performance of both the units.

This measurement scale helps in effective comparison of data and to draw a valid conclusion over the data.

Sampling design – The researcher can use various sampling method to draw a conclusion over the data. The sampling is generally used when the huge data is available and it is not possible for the researcher to examine the whole data. The researcher chooses the small portion of data which is representative of the population to draw the conclusion over the data. (Finkelstein, 2012)

1.2 Identify the factors that contribute to the process of research project selection?

The factors that contribute to the process of research project selection are-

  • To meet the expectations of the customers with the product of the company.
  • To compete globally with the similar companies.
  • Effective handling of the customer complaints.
  • To improve the quality of outcome of the service.
  • To identify the problem in the current process of the business.
  • To develop the new product for the company.

1.3 Undertake a critical review of key references about ‘customer satisfaction’ and ‘influential factors on customer satisfaction’?

While creating the research design or research project the researcher should consider several key references used in the research and cover the following area-

  • Research overview- The research is conducted for finding the reason of customer dissatisfaction of the customers of Ryan air. The data for the purpose of the research is collected from the students of the university which uses the services of Ryan Air. The researcher will draw a conclusion and recommendation on the basis of analyzing the data.
  • Problem identification- The problem is due to the increase in the number of customer. The company current resources are not able to satisfy the need of the customer due to which the expectations of the customer are not met.
  • Methodology- The data for the purpose of research is collected from both primary as well as secondary sources. The researcher has collected the data by using various methods like Questionnaires and through interview from the students of different university which uses the service of the Ryan Air.
  • Limitation- The limitation in this project is that there are a lot of customers who are using the service of the Ryan Air. The researcher cannot conduct the research for the entire customer as it will involve huge cost in conducting research. So the students are chosen to identify the reason of dissatisfaction among the customer as they mostly use the service of the company.
  • Time frame – The time required to conduct the research is around 28 days. The distribution of time is done as follows- First four days for planning, 13 days to collect the data, 8 days to analyze the data, Three days to make recommendation.  
  • Graph and chart- The researcher has made the use of various graphs and charts for conducting the research. The researcher has made the use of pie chart and line diagram to draw the conclusion over the research.
  • Findings and recommendations- The outcome of the result are the ways company should follow to satisfy the needs of its customer. (Minghetti, & Celotto, 2014)

1.4 Product research specification?

The specifications of the project are as follows-

  • Research title- Customer satisfaction
  • Summary- The outcome of the result is that the Ryan Air should make the efforts to solve the problem which the customer faces while using company services. The management of the company should make an effective policy to improve the quality of service, solving the problem of availability of the ticket and effectively handle the complain of the customers.
  • Introduction – The motive of conducting the research is to find the reason of dissatisfaction among the customer of Ryan Air.
  • Objective – The objective of the research is to identify the expectations of the customer and take appropriate measures to fulfill such expectations.
  • Methodology- The data for conducting the research is collected from both primary as well as secondary sources. Here mixed approach has been followed where both qualitative as well as quantitative method is used to conduct the research
  • Analyzing and reporting- The data is analyzed in the research by using various tools and effective conclusion is drawn on the research. The outcome of the research is reported to the management to take appropriate measures as per research.
  • Finding and recommendations- The outcome of the research are various problems which the customer was facing while using the service of the Ryan Air. The research has provided the measures which are useful to satisfy the expectations of the customer. (Gopalakrishnan, et. al., 2011)

1.5 Provide an appropriate plan and procedures for the agreed research specification?

The plan followed to conduct the research is as follows-


Start date

End date




1/10/ 2016


4 days

Planning of the research is done here.

Collecting data



13 days

The data is collected for the purpose of the research


18/10 2016

25/10 /2016

8 days

The collected data is analyzed




3 days

The solution and recommendations over the research.

Gantt Chart

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Task 2

2.1. Match resources efficiently to the research question or hypothesis.

The data can be collected from both primary as well as secondary data for conducting research.

Null hypothesis

The airline where ticket is available quickly and staff is friendly and handles all the queries helps in attracting customer-

  • The airlines which have higher customer trust, safety and higher quality service attract more customer.
  • The airlines which use latest aircraft and don’t have queues for booking the ticket attract more customers.
  • The airlines which identify the needs of the customer and handle the problem of the passenger also attract customers.
  • The airlines where the flights arrive and depart on time and there is no loss of baggage of the customers attract more customers.

The relation between research resources and hypothesis are as follows-

  • The customer is not getting the quality service due to increase in the number of the customer.
  • The current resources of the company are not enough to meet the expectation of the customer.
  • The queries of the customer are not solved.
  • The company is not proving the benefit as per the cost.
  • The customer are facing problem in booking the tickets due to huge number of the customer.

2.2 Undertake the proposed research investigation in accordance with the agreed specification and procedures. 

The research investigation is conducted by the use of both primary as well as secondary data. The ways through which the data are collected from these source are-

  • Primary Source – Primary sources are the sources where fresh data is collected for the purpose of conducting research. The data is collected by conducting an interview and questionnaires from the students who often uses the service of the Ryan Air. The data is collected by distributing the set of questions between the students of different university and receive their response on those questions. The researcher can collect the information by conducting the survey over the internet which is most economical way of collecting primary data.  The data is also collected by conducting the personal interview with the students of different university and obtain detail information from them about the research topic. The conduct of interview will help in collecting more appropriate data for the purpose of conducting research as it involves direct interaction with the source of data.
  • Secondary data- The researcher has also collected the secondary data for the purpose of conducting research. The sources of secondary data generally include the data from articles, journals and from the internet. The researcher uses the data of the similar  organisation structure  which are operating at the same level. The cost of collecting data from the secondary sources is very much low so it is economical for the company to collect the data from these sources.  The secondary data generally contains the views of the experts on the issues which help in providing the more appropriate outcome of the result. (Olsen, 2012)

2.3 record and collate recorded data?

The researcher has gone through a series of steps for conducting research. The researcher has made the use of various measurement design and sampling method to reach at the outcome of the research.

Below is the questionnaire: -

Q1. The quality of the service provides by the company is not good?

  • Highly agree
  • Agree
  • Neutral
  • Disagree
  • Highly disagree

Q2 Does the customer faces the problem in booking the ticket?

  • Highly agree
  • Agree
  • Neutral
  • Disagree
  • Highly disagree

Q3 The benefit of the customer is not as per the price of the services?

  • Highly agree
  • Agree
  • Neutral
  • Disagree
  • Highly disagree

Q4 The queries of the customer are not resolved in time?

  • Highly agree
  • Agree
  • Neutral
  • Disagree
  • Highly disagree

Q5 The behavior of the staff is not good?

  • Highly agree
  • Agree
  • Neutral
  • Disagree
  • Highly disagree

Task 3

3.1 Research evaluation techniques?

The evaluation techniques followed by the researcher are as follows-

  • Peer review- This technique involves comparison between the companies which operates at the same level. The comparison is made with the business which is engaged in the similar activity. It is widely used technique for research evaluation. The activities of two or more company can be compared to evaluate the outcome of the research. The Ryan Air can make the comparison with the other airlines company which operates at the same level.
  • Survey and consultation - The researcher can conduct the survey among certain people or group of people for evaluating the performance of the research. For this he needs to create certain outcome of the research and obtain the opinion of the people on the outcome. The researcher may also take the help of the experts while evaluating the research. The experts are the knowledgeable persons which frames an informed opinion over the outcome of the research.
  • Biblometric analyze – This technique involves the evaluation of the research by the use of research or articles from the web. The information is taken from the article, journals to evaluate the outcome of the research.
  • Case study analyzes- The researcher can evaluate the research by the use of various cases which have the similar scenario. The researcher can obtain the information from the various cases by using secondary source of information. The case study analyze provides the detail evaluation of the research by using the similar situation. (Iskenius, et. al., 2013)

3.2 Interpret and analyze the results in terms of the original research specification

Analysis of the data gathered through questionnaire such as: -

Q.1 The quality of the service provides by the company is not good?

Quality of service




Highly agree












Highly disagree






Quality of service, Uk assignment writing service

Q2 Does the customer faces the problem in booking the ticket?

Booking ticket




Highly agree












Highly disagree






Booking ticket

Q3 The benefit of the customer is not as per the price of the services?

Benefit as per price




Highly agree












Highly disagree






Benefit as per price,      Uk assignment writing service

Q4 The queries of the customer are not resolved in time?

Customer queries




Highly agree












Highly disagree






Customer queries,      Uk assignment writing service

Q.5 The behavior of the staff is not good?

Staff behavior




Highly agree












Highly disagree






Staff behavior, Uk assignment writing service

3.3 Make recommendations and justify areas for further consideration customer satisfaction in easy Jet or Ryan air?

Research findings

The finding of the research is that the customer is generally dissatisfied because there expectation area not met while traveling with Ryan Air. The customer always finds problem in booking ticket and the customer queries are also not resolved in time. Moreover the quality of service provided and the behavior of the staff of the company is not good. This is the reason why company is facing dissatisfaction from the customer. Some of the research findings are-

  • Above 50% of the customer feels that the quality of the service which the Ryan Air is providing is not good.
  • Nearly 75 % of the customer feels that they faces problem while booking ticket and have to face long queues.
  • The customers are not dissatisfied by the cost and benefit of the services.
  • Nearly 70% of the customer finds that the company is not handling there queries.
  • Nearly 60% of the customer thinks that the behavior of the staff is not good.


The recommendation on the basis of the above research is that the company should focus on meeting the expectation of the customer rather than focusing on the cost of the service. The most of the customer are facing problem while booking ticket so the company should increase the number of the flight and improve the ticket booking system to handle this problem. Moreover most of the customer is dissatisfied with the quality of service which the company is providing. So, the company should emphasize more on improving the quality of service. The customer is dissatisfied with company’s ability to handle queries. So, the company should increase the number of staff and provide adequate training to the staff for handling the queries of the customer.   


So it can be concluded that the customer are the key for the success of the business. The research project has helped the management to identify the expectation of the company with the company and the measures to meet such expectation. So the company should make efforts to change the current business policy and services as per the need of the customer. The research project have let out many factors responsible for the customer dissatisfaction. So, the management should consider these factors in future  culture and business planning.  This will help in the future development of the company.

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Task 4


coustmour Satisfication


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